
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:天津大学  作者:洪津 编  页数:180  


《实用护理英语情境口语》按照临床护理学的基本内容设计英语对话情境,是非常实用的护理专业英语口语教材。    本书分序幕和8个护理工作情境。情境1~5是从病人入院到出院全过程的基本护理工作程序,适用于普通护理和涉外护理专业。情境6~8有分科侧重,护理专业中的助产、儿科、社区等专业方向可以在前5个情境的基础上增加各自需要的专业情境进行教学。    每个情境有一到数个情景对话,对话后配有典型句型、可以替换的词汇以及角色扮演练习,适合20~30课时的高职护理英语口语课程或在职护士职业英语口语培训课程,也可插入普通英语课程作为专业口语实训内容。


Prologue  Job HuntingSituation 1  AdmissionSituation 2  Nursing AssessmentSituation 3  Administration of MedicationsSituation 4  Medical&SurgicalNursingSituation 5 DischargeSituation 6  Obstetric NursingSituation 7  Children's NursingSituation 8  Community NursingAppendix I Sections & Staff in a Hospital.Appendix II MedicalTerminologyAppendix III MedalAbbrevations对话参考译文Glossary


  Scene 2  Preoperative Care:Giving Information Before an operation,a patient must be told how to get prepared for his operation.A nurse is assigned to have a talk with a patient about his  operation the next day.  Nurse:Good morning,Mr.Smith.I’m Wang Hua,your nurse today.Has Dr.Zhao told you that you are going to be operated on tomorrow morning?  Patient:Yes,1 was told yesterday.  Nurse:Have you signed the Surgical Consent Form yet?  Patient:Yes,I have.What time will the operation start?  Nurse:At 9:00.But you’ll have to get pre-medication and leave for the Operating Room at least half an hour before that.If your wife and other relatives come to see you,they must be here by 8:00.  Patient:How long am l going to stay in the operating room?  Nurse:It is hard to say.It will depend on the operation procedures and your recovery from the anesthesia.And after the surgery.youll stay in the Recovery Room for some time until your condition iS stabilized.  Patient:l see.This is the first time I’m in hospital for surgery.I’m really scared.  Nurse:Take it easy,Mr.Smith.The surgeon who is going to give you the operation is very experienced and considerate.Everything will work out fine.Don’t worry.  Patient:Well,Ill try not to.Will l feel pain during the operation?  Nurse:As you’re going to have a general anesthesia,you won’t have any feel.  Patient:Thanks.Now I don’t feel as nervous as before.  Nurse:As part of the preparation for the surgery,you have to have a liquid supper this evening,and absolutely nothing by mouth after midnight.  Patient:l see.



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用户评论 (总计23条)


  •   很实用的护理英语口语书,编排合理有序,既不失专业性又难度适中。有光盘
  •   相对较简单,对于不是经常用英语进行护理交流的,比较适合用此书。
  •   书还是比较实用的,情境中的对话都比较简单,适合基础一般的读者
  •   这本书是同事推荐的,不错,很实用,在工作中帮助很大!
  •   非常实用的书,比书店便宜,内容也好
  •   很实用的一本书,很不错,看了感觉能用得上
  •   帮同事买的,他送给当护士的女友,反馈说不错
  •   还不错,就是内容少了点
  •   每章内容不多不少,正好是在熟读和记忆范围之内!
  •   还没用,不过看起来还是不错
  •   不好意思评价晚了。 书还好啊。
  •   替朋友买的 不错
  •   具体情况不清楚 应该还可以
  •   一起买了很多,还没仔细看呢
  •   口语内容丰富,适合练习现实中的口语
  •   看了两页,感觉内容还是蛮实用的
  •   给科里护士买的,还不错!
  •   我的光盘为什么读不出来
  •   里面内容完全超出了我的想象,太简洁了,内容过于粗糙,不值这价格
  •   还没看,应该可以。。学得到很多东西。。。
  •   有积分没看
  •   书籍还是不错的,实用性强,可以推荐看一下,对于从事初事英语护士来说,还是真不错的!
  •   光盘对话太死硬,没有情景感

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