
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:天津大学出版社  作者:杨峥  页数:289  


本书是一把开启TOEFL iBT成功之路的金钥匙,可以帮助你切实增强口语实力,并在新托福13语考试中轻取高分甚至满分。祝大家在北美的求学之旅一帆风顺,让事业更上一层楼!加拿大阳光国际学院的杨峥老师通过长期积累的丰富的前沿教学经验,加上在北美学习、生活和工作的亲身经历、感悟以及对英语教学和文化传播的热情和爱心,精心撰写此书。其与众不同之处在于,杨峥老师是真正备战新托福口语考试的知己知彼者,“知己”即针对中国考生在英语语音、语调、逻辑性、思维模式、口语组织能力、13语词汇和读听说综合能力方面的诸多误区,为广大奋战新托福,尤其是惧怕口语的考生提供最及时、最有力的帮助;“知彼”即切中TOEFL iBT口语考试的出题要害和评分要点,指导考生绕过雷区,有的放矢,突破高分。


杨峥,北美著名的TOEFL iBT考试听力和口语教学研究专家,Toasl,masters国际英语演讲俱乐部高级会员和中国畅销杂志《世界妇女博览》(现更名为《悦己》)驻北美特约撰稿人。先后获得北京外国语大学英语学士学位和美国得克萨斯大学MBA学位,曾任新华通讯社记者,在外报外刊发表大量英文新闻特写,策划多个国际文化和商业交流项目。在美期间曾就职于商业咨询公司,并任客座教授,主讲亚洲文化。现执教加拿大多伦多阳光国际学院(Catlada International College),其课堂教学集TOEFL iBT考试技巧、语言知识、北美文化于一体,生动充实,广受欢迎。她还于1995年创办了北京春之翼女子合唱团,该团至今仍活跃在国内和国际舞台,囊括多项大奖。


PARTⅠ TOEFL iBT口语真题及高分宝典  Chapter 1 Independent Task 1  Chapter 2 Independent Task 2  Chapter 3 Integrated Task 3  Chapter 4 Integrated Task 4  Chapter 5 Integrated Task 5  Chapter 6 Integrated Task 6PARTⅡ TOEFL iBT新托福口语试题6套  Chapter 1 TOEFL internet-Based Tests  Chapter 2 Keys ofTOEFL intemet-Based Tests  Chapter 3 Transcripts of TOEFL internet—Based TestsPARTⅢ TOEFL iBT口语考试最新解析  Chapter 1 Independent Task 1  Chapter 2 Independent Task 2  Chapter 3 Integrated Task 3  Chapter 4 Integrated Task 4  Chapter 5 Integrated Task 5  Chapter 6 Integrated Task 6PARTⅣ 附录  附录一 TOEFL iBT口语考试的特点  附录二 TOEFL iBT口语考试评分标准  附录三 TOEFL iBT口语考试题型一览表  附录四 TOEFL iBT口语考试高分之必备武器尾声


  The special animal in China is none other than Chinas national animal —— the giantpanda. The giant panda is special for many reasons. It is unique to China; and itlooks cute, kind of slow, mild and content. The giant panda is special also because it ison the verge of extinction. There are roughly 1,000 giant pandas left in the wildbecause the lack of food and the threat of illegal hunting activities have given them atough time. Furthermore, the giant panda is the diplomatic symbol of China. Fromtime to time, pandas are sent to many countries for exhibition, serving as the ambas-sadors to the world. ( 109 words )  11. If you could know something about your future, what would you likeito know? Why?If I could know something about my future, Id like to know the following things. First,Id like to know my future career. Career is my priority and the foundation of a happylife because I want to feel accomplished and recognized. After all, I dont want my lifeto go unnoticed.  Second, Id like to know my future family. I am family-oriented and I want to knowwhen I will be married, whom I will be married to, and how many children I willhave. Only when I have a family and become a mother will my life be complete.Third, Id like to know how long I can live. Am I going to be healthy and troube-free? ( 119 words )



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