出版时间:2009-1 出版社:天津大学出版社 作者:李菁 页数:277
实践是检验真理的唯一标准。 一本关于雅思阅读的书,能够重印4次,说明在广大雅思的A,G类考生中,这本书还是十分受欢迎的,也是经得起实战和时间考验的。 在这次再版内容里,本书不但保留了前一版中有关阅读技巧讲解的精华部分,还更新和增补了根据2008年下半年最新“阅读机经。总结出的大量仿真度极高的练习题和套题,如在第三篇中收录了许多今年上半年刚刚考过的类似话题文章:语言学研究、机器人、公司革新和美国人工作时间管理等。 阅读考试中的文章题材多样,题型也不固定,对考生的阅读速度、理解能力均是一个严峻的考验。因此,只有针对不同的题型熟练掌握本书中介绍的方法和技巧,并通过多做练习来熟悉题型,摸索和总结出最适合自己的方法,才是雅思阅读考出高分的法宝。
第一篇 阅读考试的准备 第一章 从单词和句子入手 第二章 阅读的深度和广度 第三章 阅读的速度 第四章 阅读的方法第二篇 阅读考试的实战 第一章 段落标题 第二章 辨别正误题 第三章 简答题 第四章 配对题 第五章 摘要题、填空题 第六章 完成图表、示意图题 第七章 完成句子题 第八章 多重选择题第三篇 模拟习题 A类TEST 1 A类TEST 2 A类TEST 3 A类TEST 4 A类TEST 5 G类TEST 1 G类TEST 2 G类TEST 3 G类TEST 4
According to the NBNZ Small Business Monitor, there are well over a quarter of amillion enterprises in New Zealand (excluding the agricultural sector). The mostcommon type of business employs five people or less, and accounts for 86% of allbusiness. Businesses with under fdly employees account for a staggering99%."So if you had business skills and were looking for a new opportunity,wouldnt it be a good idea if you were able to offer products that all smallbusinesses need?" asks Bruce Forlong. Bruce is managing director of SiliconZealSoftware Ltd., a local company which has developed a variety of proven softwareprograms to meet the needs of small business in New Zealand. The company isnow appointing licensees nationwide who will have the dght to duplicate andmarket the programs in their area. Bruce himself has over 30 years experience inbusiness, having been CEO of a multi-million dollar company with a staff of 65 andfounder of international consultancy firm Magnum Opus. "That gave me a realinsight into the needs of business- and frankly, most small business people donthave the time or resources to acquire the skills they need to grow. Thats whereSilicon Zeal licensees can help," Bruce says. ~~The people we are looking for willhave brains. Theyll usually have run their own business or have a corporatebackground. Theyll have good personal and presentation skills, and be able to runa resource center for small businesses. In return, they will get access to productsin three key areas: Software, Business Growth and Home Business Resources.These are all proven products with extremely high profitability."