
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:天津大学出版社  作者:乔小六,李士芹 编著  页数:281  


随着我国机械、电力行业逐步同国际接轨,国家对既精通英语又掌握一定工程技术知识的复合型、应用型人才的需求也日益增加。而目前市场上专业英语教材覆盖面过窄、知识点过细、不成体系,无法满足广大文科学生和高职高专相关专业学生的学习要求。为此,编者编写了针对机电行业的《机电工程英语阅读教程》。   本教材分两大部分,第一部分为“机械工程英语”,第二部分为“电力工程英语”。每部分各包括十个单元,每单元有A、B、C三篇文章。其中A、B篇为精读文章,配备相应练习;C篇供学生课后拓展阅读。 本教材由多位长期在教学一线的资深英语教师和相关专业教师编写,内容从学生的实际出发,充分考试了学生在学习进程中可能遇到的各种困难,各单元注重图文并茂。  本教材属于专门用途英语(ESP),注意与一般性的科普读物和专业英语相区分,可供工程类院校的英语专业和其他文科类专业的本科生或高职高专机电专业学生使用,亦可供机械、电力从业人员参考。


第一部分 电力工程英语 Unit 1  A Brief Introduction to World Power   Section A  World Electric Power Systems   Section B  Power Failures   Section C  Hazards to Power System Operation Unit 2  A Brief Introduction to China's Power   Section A  China Electrical Power Equipment Industry Report, 2007   Section B  Reformation of Cbina's Power Industry   Section C  Three Gorges, China Unit 3  Components of Power System   Section A  Evolution of Electric Power Systems   Section B  Components of Power System   Section C  Power System Control Unit 4  Thermal Power Plant   Section A  How Does a Thermal Power Plant Work   Section B  Turbine Proper and HP Turbine   Section C  Turbine and Generator Unit 5  Hydroelectric Power Plants   Section A  Hydroelectricity   Section B  Hydroelectricity and Desirable Feature of Hydroplant   Section C  The Three Gorges Dams Project Unit 6  Nuclear Power Plant   Section A  Nuclear Power in the World Today   Section B  The Nuclear Fission Power Plant   Section C  Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Unit 7  Substation and Its Automation   Section A  Substation   Section B  Coordination in Substation Automation System   Section C  ABB Provides Power Equipment to CCTV New Site Unit 8  Power System Protection   Section A  A Brief Introduction to the Protection System   Section B  Protection Philosophy and Relay Failures   Section C  Relay Uses Unit 9  Communication in Electric Power System   Section A  Communication in Electric Power System   Section B  Power Line Carrier Communication   Section C  China's Links with World Expand through Giant Cable Unit 10  Power Transmission and Distribution   SectionA  HVDC Transmission   Section B  Switches   Section C  Cables第二部分 机械工程英语 Unit 11  Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering   Section A  Introduction to Machines   Section B  Mechanism   Section C  Bearing Unit 12  (CAD / CAM) Mechanical Design   SectionA  Machine Design   Section B  CAD / CAM   Section C  Mechanical Design Process and Contents of Mechanical Design Unit 13  Machining Technology   Section A  Introduction to Machine Tools and Basic Conventional Machine Tools   Section B  Machinability and Steels   Section C  High-speed Machining Unit 14  Manufacturing Engineering and Technology   Section A  What is Manufacturing   Section B  Manufacturing Technology   Section C  The Computer and Manufacturing Unit 15  Mechanical Engineering Materials   Section A  Introduction to Materials   Section B  Material Selection   Section C  Metals and Ferrous Metals Unit 16  Mold Manufacture Technology   Section A  Mold Design and Construction (I)   Section B  Mold Design and Construction (II)   Section C  Forging Unit 17  Hydraulic & Pneumatic Technology   Section A  Hydraulics & Pneumatics   Section B  Hydraulic System   Section C  E-mail Blood Samples Unit 18 Numerical Control Technology of Mechanical Equipment   Section A  What is CNC   Section B  The CNC Programs   Section C  Types of CNC Machines Unit 19  Car Manufacturing Technology   Section A  The Automobile Transmission   Section B  Anti-lock Brake System   Section C  Modem Automobile Manufacturing Unit 20  Computer Measurement & Control Technology   Section A  A Control System   Section B  Industrial Robot   Section C  Process Supervision via Artificial Intelligence Techniques



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