
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:天津大学出版社  作者:齐世和  页数:332  字数:412000  


全书根据作文的题材和体裁不同分为4个部分,共包括100个单元。每个单元由题目及提示、学生习作、教师评估、改后作文和注释5个部分组成。本书设计新颖独特,是一本实用性极强的书。    本书主要供参加大学英语四、六级考试的考生使用。同时,对于申请同学等学力硕士学位的在职人员、研究生入学及托福等考试的应试人员都有一定的参考价值。


第一部分 议论文 1. Is failure a Bad Thing? 2. Opportunity and Determination 3. The Value of Time 4. Successful Language Learners 5. Examinations 6. An Ideal Friend 7. A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed 8. Are pets Good for People? 9. Keeping Pets 10. The Importance of Self-confidence 11. Don’t Hesitate to Say“No” 12. The Importance of Praise 13. Physical Exercise 14. Money’s Influence on Today’s Sports Players  15. Smoking 16. Gambling 17. Music 18. Material and Spiritual Well-being 19. Is Money all Powerful? 20. Knowledge and Money 21. Health or Wealth 22. Part-time Jobs 23. Job Interviews 24. My View on Opportunity 25. Work and Rest 26. Job Problems for College Graduates 27. Re-employment Efforts 28. Competition and Cooperation 29. The Internet and US 30. Books and Teenagers 31. Science and Our Daily Life 32. The Advantages of Travel 33. Generation Gap 34. Going on a Diet 35. School-age Children Drop Out  36. To Keep Our City Clean 37. Choosing and Appropriate University and Major 38. Private Tutoring 39. Family Tutor 40. I Enjoy Weekends 41. The Problem of Juvenile Delinquency 42. Is the Spirit of Lei Feng Out of Style? 43. No Pains, No Gains 44. Should We Learn to Do Housework? 45. Looking Back and Looking Forward 46. Advantages and Disadvantages of Home Tutoring 47. Telephones 48. Computers 49. Heavy Traffic 50. Changes in Chinese Families 51. Make the Road Safer 52. What Would Happen If Little Attention Were Paid to Environmental Protection? 53. The Grain Crisis 54. Energy……第二部分 段首句和关键词作文第三部分 描写文、记叙文和应用文第四部分 图表作文



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  •   每篇文章都给出一个学生作文,然后配有教师点评,再给出修改后的范文,最后把范文中的经典用法指出来。如果能多给几篇范文参考就好了。本书有一个很大的问题就是纸张质量太差,我都怀疑是盗版书。
  •   内容OK 但书是从书店转过来的 好大一个书店印章名……=_=

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