
出版时间:2002-2  出版社:天津大学出版社  作者:马洵,马琳  






1. The Wrong Eye2. To Lose Weight3. A Peculiar Animal4. No Argument5. The Nearest6. Self-defence7. Correct8. Thanks9. Where Are You Going?10. May I Look at the Book Again?11. What Is a Traitor?12. Mother and Father13. Forgotten14. Two Sons15. The Thief16. A Barking Wife17. A Mysterious Letter18. Henpecked Husbands19. A Driver and a Policeman20. It's His Fault21. An Hour22. A Useful Lesson23. Fire24. Visual Training25. A Pupil26. Jim's Shoes27. Not Responsible28. The Joke29. Dumas30. Home Tooke31. A Note32. You Are Paying for It33. To Bear False Witness34. How Could You Afford to Buy the Ticket?35. A Job36. Musical Ability37. Picture and Word38. The Bells39. I Lost40. Do You Know My Work?41. The Same Questions42. A Rope Round His Neck43. The Governor44. Two Cross-Eyed Men45. Stupid Question46. A New Captain47. Are You Waiting for Autumn?48. You Don't Have the Guts to Pull the Trigger49. A Clever Thief50. Your Neighbor Did51. Don't Lie to Me!52. My Grandpa Will Pay the Bill53. The Person Who Lived Up to 145 Years54. Where Do You Find a Lawyer?55. Where Is My Other Shoe?56. Making Loan57. Doctor's Prescription58. How to Celebrate Your Birthday?59. It Depends60. I Could Count on You!61. A Clever Parrot62. A Pair of Crocodile Shoes63. Whose Fault Was It?64. It's For the Funeral Tomorrow65. The Daughter's Husband66. Negative Words67. A Pitty Lawyer68. What a Coincidence!69. Out They Go!70. A Good Mother71. Six Cups of Coffee72. To Hire a Driver73. The Formula for Water74. Who Has the Worst Odor?75. The Payment76. Dieting and Investment77. Where Should I Put the Napkins?78. An Innocent Question79. The Reason for Being Late80. Homesick81.Have You Ever Tried Mouthwash?82. The Most Pity Man in the World83. Marry Him84. I'm the Papal Nuncio85. Kill the Umpire86. Who Broke the Dishes?87. The Meaning of Dreams88. How to Get His Attention?89. Begging90. A Bet9i. Thank Goodness92. Don't Blame Me93. The Wager94. Let It Walk95. I Didn't Expect to Get the Necklace!96. Frozen River97. The Trouble-maker98. The Poor Old Man99. Looking for a Cashier100. Waiting……


Mr. Grey had a nice shop in the main street of a small town. He sold jewellery , watches, clocks and other things like those. All went well for some years, and then Mr. Grey's shop was broken into at night twice in one month, and a lot of jeweilery was stolen each time. The police had still not managed to catch the thief three weeks later, so Mr. Grey decided that he would try to do something about it. He therefore bought a camera and fixed it UP in his shop so that it would photograph anyone who broke in at night, and put some very cheap jewellery in front of it for the thief.A few nights later the thief did come again, but he did not touch any of the cheap jewellery that Mr. Grey had put out for him. He took the camera. It was worth 150.00.





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