出版时间:2008-7 出版社:华东师范大学出版社 作者:朱志荣,杨俊蕾 主编 页数:397
导言一 理想国(第十卷)二 诗学三 论崇高四 致德拉斯加拉大亲王的信五 论三一律,即行动、时间和地点的一致六 新科学七 拉奥孔八 判断力批判九 说不尽的莎士比亚十 论女性作家十一 作为意志和表象的世界十二 现时代批评的功能十三 现代生活的画家十四 艺术论十五 悲剧从音乐的精神中诞生十六 作为艺术家的批评家十七 俄狄浦斯情结十八 直觉与艺术十九 诗和抽象思维二十 审美假说二十一 机器复制时代的艺术作品后记
48. The relation of genius to taste,For estimating beautiful objects, as such, what is.required is taste; but for fine art, i.e. , the production of such objects, one needs genius.If we consider genius as the talent for fine art (which the proper signification of the word imports), and if we would analyse it from this point of view into the faculties which must concur to constitute such a talent, it is imperative at the outset accurately to determine the difference between beauty of nature, which it only requires taste to estimate, and beauty of art, which requires genius for its possibility (a possibility to which regard must also be paid in estimating such an object).A beauty of nature is a beautiful thing; beauty of art is a beautiful representation of a thing.To enable me to estimate a beauty of nature, as such, I do not need to be previously possessed of a concept of what sort of a thing the object is intended to be, i. e., I am not obliged to know its material finality (the end), but,rather, in forming an estimate of it apart from any knowledge of the end, the mere form pleases on its own account. If, however, the object is presented as a product of art, and is as such to be declared beautiful, then, seeing that art always presupposes an end in the cause ( and its causality), a concept of what the thing is intended to be must first of all be laid at its basis. And, since the agreement of the manifold in a thing with an inner character belonging to it as its end constitutes the perfection of the thing, it follows that in estimating beauty of art the perfection of the thing must be also taken into account-a matter which in estimating a beauty of nature, as beautiful, is quite irrelevant.It is true that in forming an estimate, especially of animate objects of nature, e.g. , of a man or a horse, objective finality is also commonly taken into account with a view to judgement upon their beauty; but then the judgement also ceases to be purely aesthetic, i. e., a mere judgement of taste. Nature is no longer estimated as it appears like art, but rather in so far as it actually is art, though superhuman art; and the teleological judgement serves as a basis and condition of the aesthetic.