
出版时间:2008-5  出版社:华东师范大学出版社  作者:姜荷梅,何光明 主编  页数:220  字数:286000  




Unit1 Could l send you our catalogue
Unit2 When would be good for you
Unit3 Where would you like to stay
Unit4 Welcome to our company
Unit5 What would you like for the starter
Unit6 This is our new showroom
Unit7 Let me tell you more about our product
Unit8 Would you like to visit our factory
Unit9 This is our lowest price
Unit10 What would you like to order
Unit11 We can make delivery in June
Unit12 What about packing and insurance
Unit13 Shall we sign the contract
Unit14 When can you make the payment
Unit15 I'm sorry to hear that
Unit16 How was the last order


  (1) Why is one second in Beijing not the same as one second in Cairo?  A. Because people have different attitudes to time.  B. Because people experience time in different ways.  C. Because people use different ways to measure time,  D. Both A and B.  (2) Which of the following statements is true?  A. Usually different attitudes to time may not lead to major problems.  B. People can never understand how another culture works.  C. 9 a.m. in Beijing actually means 1 p.m. in Cairo.  D. Time has distressing effects on people.  (3) In which of the following situations do people need to adjust their attitude to time?  A. When people come into a similar culture.  B. When people come into a flexible culture.  C. When people come into the U.K. or Germany.  D. When a Briton (an Englishman) comes into a flexible culture.  (4) What is the main idea of this passage?  A. Time is important since it is everywhere.  B. The concept of time varies from culture to culture.  C. People need to be punctual for meetings no matter what culture they are in.  D. People from the U.K. or the U.S. always need to adjust their attitude to time.  ……



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