
出版时间:2011-5  出版社:华东师大  作者:李永宁  页数:175  




Section 1 Practice TestsPractice Test OnePractice Test TwoPractice Test ThreePractice Test FourPractice Test FivePractice Test SixPractice Test SevenPractice Test EightPractice Test NinePractice Test TenPractice Test ElevenPractice Test TwelvePractice Test ThirteenPractice Test FourteenPractice Test FifteenPractice Test SixteenPractice Test SeventeenPractice Test EighteenPractice Test NineteenPractice Test TwentyPractice Test Twenty-onePractice Test Twenty-twoPractice Test Twenty-threePractice Test Twenty-fourSection 2 KeysSection 3 Tapescripts


版权页:插图:When the carpenter finished his work, his employer handed the front-door key to thecarpenter. "This is your house," he said, "my gift to you. "What a shock! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house,he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home he had built nonetoo well.Many of us live our lives this way. At important times, we don't give our work ourbest effort. Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created and find that weare now living in the house we have built. If we had realized that we would have done itdifferently.Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think about your house.Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past. Your lifetomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today,(Now listen again)





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用户评论 (总计14条)


  •   本书是学校老师推荐的,很适合高三学生使用。附带光盘音质很好。
  •   本来想买匹配浙江高考的听力材料这部模拟材料上来就是四个选项还有填空题难度比一般材料高
  •   光盘质量蛮好的,后面有全部的听力文本。但唯一遗憾的是没有答案= =。最后一部分有两篇都是填NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS。和上海高考内容有一些不一样,但也没什么大关系吧
  •   听力速度适中,发音标准,很好听的声音,但是听力的题目是直接在录音里面念出来的,和新课标的不一样。内容符合标准。
  •   高一,老师推荐;每周做一次练习,有提高
  •   挺好的,帮女儿买的。
  •   DVD盘坏的,搞什么东西
  •   很不错的书和光盘哦!
  •   不错,有光盘的,好的~
  •   我高三的时候买的,速度是潜移默化的快的。要真的想提高听力的高三党请一定要天天坚持下去啊!!过来人的推荐~~~
  •   书中没有任何印刷问题,光盘也完好无损
  •   新版略贵,质量不错,适合高考
  •   还行吧,帮别人买的,没说不好。
  •   虽然有点难,但很有提高价值~~

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