中学英语分级听力--第六册 教师用书(练习答案与音带文字)

出版时间:1998-01  出版社:华东师范大学出版社  


Lesson One
Part A Word Recognition
Part B A Rhyme to Say
Part C Dialogue
Where Do You Come from Exactly?
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Two
Part A Word Recognition
Part B A Game to Play
Part C Dialogue
Nice to See You Again
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Three
Part A Sentence Stress
Part B A Pocm to Read
Part C Passage
Jack And 1 Are Good Friends
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Four
Part A Loss of Plosion
Part B A Humor to Enjoy
Part C Dialogue
What's the Time?
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Five
Part A Numbers
Part B A Song to Sing
Part C Dialogue
Could 1 See the Menu, Please?
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Six
Part A Antonyms
Part B A Word Puzzle to Solve
Part C Passage
1 Want to Teach You a Lesson
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Seven
Part A Liasion
Part B Tongue Twisters to Say
Part C Dialogue
Could You Lend Me Some Money?
Par't D Tapescript
Lesson Eight
Part A Numbers
Part B Proverbs to Remember
Part C Passage
Who Is Right?
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Nine
Part A Same or Different in Meaning
Part B A Puzzle to Solve
Part C Dialogue
What Can 1 Do without a Watch?
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Ten
Part A Statements
Part B A Game to PIay
Part C Passage
You Have to Learn to Like Chicken'
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Eleven
Part A Statements
Part B A Riddle to Solve
Part C Dialogue
Are You Sure That's Enough?
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Twelve
Part A Identifying the Speaker
Part B Poems to Read
Part C Dialogue
I've Heard about a Good Babysitter
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Thirtsea
Part A Same or Different in Meaning
Part B Tongue Twisters to Say
Part C Passagc
Rose Is a Very Busy Teenager
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Fourtesn
Part A Conversational Formulae
Part B A Rhyme to Say
Part C Passage
What's the Matte with the Doctor?
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Fifteen
Part A Same or Different in Meaning
Part B A Song to Sing
Part C Passage
Was It True?
Part D Tapescript
Test 1
Lesson Sixtcan
Part A (onsonant CIustcrs
Part B A Tongue Twister to Say
Part C Dialogue
Fancy Meeting You Here in London!
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Ssventeen
Part A Assimilation
Part B A Song to Sing
Part C Dialogue
You're Really Very Lucky
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Eighteen
Part A Numbers
Part B A Riddle to Solve
Part C Passage
They Prefer to Travel by Train
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Ninetpen
Part A Same or Differenf in Meaning
Part B Math Riddles to Solve
Part G Dialogue
Why Do You Aiways Buy Dark
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Twenty
Part A Statements
Part B A Tongue Twister to Say
Part C Passage
He Wouldn't Do It by Himself
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Twenty-one
Part A Offers or Requests
Part B A Poem to Read
Part C Passage
He Is Good for the Mice
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Twenty-two
Part A Numbers
Part B A Puzzle to Solve
Part C Passage
They Arc Next Door Neighbours
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Twenty-three
Part A Identifying the Speaker
Part B A Song to Sing
Part C Passage
Didn't You Hear Me Glow My
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Twenty-four
Part A Short Conversations
Part B Proverbs to Remember
Part C Passage
What Should VVe Do to Slay
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Twenty-five
Part A Identifying the Speaker
Part B A Word Puzzle to Solve
Part C Passage
What's the Use of Eating Now?
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Twenty-six
Part A Offers or RequestS
Part B A Story to Enjoy
Part C Passage
What Do You Know about the
Education in the U.S.?
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Twenty-seven
Part A Short Conversations
Part B A Tongue Twister to Say
Part C Passage
1 Look Much Nicer than You
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Twenty-eight
Part A Conversational Formulae
Part B Proverbs to Remember
Part C Passage
How Did Mrs Smith Pay for
Her Hat?
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Twenty-nine
Part A Short Conversations
Part B A Poem to Read
Part C Passage
There Wasn't Any Roon for Me
at All
Part D Tapescript
Lesson Thirty
Part A Statements and Conversations
Part B A Song to Sing
Part C Passage
How Did Steam Get undcr t'nc Lid?
Part D Tapescript
Test 2



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