出版时间:2010-7 出版社:厦门大学出版社 作者:李珍 编 页数:190
本书以培养高职高专高素质技能型物流人才为目的,是物流管理专业学生的专业英语用书,亦可作为物流企业从业人员提高物流专业英语水平的培训用书,对广大社会自学者也是非常有益的参考书。 本书在编写过程中注重以下特点: 1。本书严格按照教育部关于“加强职业教育、注重实践教学、强化应用技能培养”的教育教学改革精神和要求,充分体现高职英语教学的实用性与职业性特征。內容选材专业性突出,涵盖物流业务在供应链大环境中从原材料采购到终端用户的全过程。在进行专业外语教学的同时,给学生提供最新物流理念和专业知识,体现了现代物流技术与管理的发展趋势. 2.本书参阅了大量国內外新近出版的书刊资料,选用来源于外文物流文献和英文原著的内容,保证语言的原汁原味,并力求语言简明易懂、准确生动,以利于学生模仿和学习。通过本书的学习,学生既可以熟悉物流各个运作环节的专业表达,又能够提高专业英语的应用技能。 3.注重教学实效,全面提高高职学生的英语应用能力。为了使学生学有所获、学有所用,本书重点强化“讨论辩论”和“案例分析”两方面训练。教学单元采用双课文形式,每章分text A与text B两课,每章的课文前注明学习目标,每篇课文附有专业词汇、泣释讲解以及对课文內容提出问题供学生进行课堂讨论与辩论。每章后附有本章小结、课外练习和补充阅读材料,其中课外练习包括句子翻译和案例分析,尤其是增加了案例分析的练习,加强了实训环节,理论联系实际,增强学生的实践分析能力。 4。本书配有內容详尽、制作精荚的电子课件,凡将本书用作教材的学校或教师可向出版社索取。
Chapter 1 Overview of Logistics Text A Logistics Text B The Work of Logistics Summary Practice Supplementary ReadingChapter 2 Supply Chain Management Text A The Supply-Chain Concept Text B The Supply-Chain Structure and Integration Summary Practice Supplementary ReadingChapter 3 Procurement Text A Procurement Text B The Procurement Process Summary Practice Supplementary ReadingChapter 4 Inventory Management Text A Inventory Text B Fundamental Approaches to Managing Inventory Summary Practice Supplementary ReadingChapter 5 Customer-oriented Marketing and Sales Text A New Concepts of Logistics Marketing Text B Customer Accommodation Summary Practice Supplementary ReadingChapter 6 Transportation Management Text A Transportation Text B The Transportation Modes Summary Practice Supplementary ReadingChapter 7 International Transportation Text A Maritime Shipping Text B Air Freight Summary Practice Supplementary ReadingChapter 8 Containerization Text A Introduction of Containerization Text B Intermodal Transportation Summary Practice Supplementary ReadingChapter 9 Logistics Documents Text A Bill of Lading Text B Other Documents Summary Practice Supplementary ReadingChapter 10 Logisticslnformation Technology Text A Overview of Logistics Information Technology Text B Electronic Data Interchange and Bar-coding Summary Practice Supplementary Reading各章课文译文 第一章 物流概述 第二章 供应链管理 第三章 采购 第四章 库存管理 第五章 以顾客为中心的市场营销 第六章 运输管理 第七章 国际运输 第八章 集装箱化 第九章 物流单据 第十章 物流信息技术附录参考文献
Transportation is the creation of place and time utility. When goods aremoved to places where they have higher value than they had at the places fromwhich they originated, they have place utility. Time utility means that this serviceoccurs when it is needed. Time and place utility are provided to passengerswhenthey are moved from where they don't want to be to places where they do want tobe,and at the demanded time. Some individuals find it difficult to understand the nature of transportationbecause it is a service and not a physical, tangible product, transportation is aservice to the user, but it has basic characteristics that make purchasing thisservice similar to buying goods. One aspect of transportation is the movement service. This includes speed(whether it is door to door or terminal to terminal), reliability,and the frequencyof the service. Another factor is the equipment used,which is a major factor forboth passengers and freight. For passengers, the equipment affects comfort andsafety. For freight, equipment affects shipment preparation, the size of theshipment, and loading and unloading costs. The third factor is the cost of the transportation service. Cost includes acharge or rate quoted by the primary carrier as well as any peripheral costs borneby the user; the latter might include pickup and deliver costs, packagingrequirements, damage or detention charges, and special service charges such asrefrigeration or heat. ……