
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:厦门大学出版社  作者:陈沧渊 编  页数:411  


  随着对外开放的不断深入,我国同世界各个国家和地区的经济合作与贸易关系迅速发展,对外经济贸易往来和交流活动日益增多,对具有国际竞争力的复合型商务人才的需求也越来越大,同时,也对从事或即将从事国际商务活动人员的专业知识和外语素质提出越来越高的要求。近年来,商务英语在我国经济生活和工作中的应用范围日益扩大,并已成为经贸类、外语类专业学生必修的一门重要专业课程。本书编写的主要目的是提高高校经贸类、外语类学生的英语水平,使用对象主要为高职高专或本科经贸类、外语类专业的学生,也可作为从事对外经贸活动的人员提高商务英语水平的阅读用书。  本书共有23个单元,内容涵盖:1.国际贸易2.国际营销3.国际金融4.国际商法5.国际运输6.国际投资7.国际税收8.国际技术转让9.跨国财务管理10.高科技产品营销11.信息系统12.商务沟通13.广告媒介14.领导才能15.公司文化16.品牌管理17.兼并、收购与重组18.跨文化19.消费者行为20.全球化21.企业战略22.商务旅游23.电子商务。内容涵盖了商务活动的方方面面,教师在教学过程中可根据各高校不同专业、不同教学对象、不同的教学目标及课时量的差异对各单元内容进行取舍。  在编写体例上,每单元各包含Text A、B、C三篇文章。在单元开头有2道思考题,内容是与该单元主题相关的背景知识问答或相关案例分析等,目的是让读者对本单元的主要内容有一个感性的认识,可作为阅读前的初步讨论题,在阅读后也可再次讨论,以使学生对文章内容有更深入的认识。每单元的三篇文章,其阅读难度从易到难,分别是TextA、Text B和Text C。Text A基本上以介绍本章的基本定义、概念及有关理论为主,TextB与Text C是该概念的应用或在相关领域的拓展;三篇文章内容上相互补充,形成有机整体,所引用的资料大多为最新发表且来自权威官方网站的文章;三篇文章在阅读难度上逐步递进,这种编排方式与读者的阅读心理相得益彰;读者阅读后,既能够对当前国际商务的方方面面有个整体了解,又能在实际应用上得到具体指导。每篇文章后有词汇表、课文注释,注释提供课文中出现的专有名词及部分语言难点的解释,其目的是帮助读者更好地理解课文、理解文章中的难句和专业性极强的概念。课后练习题主要供阅读后使用,Text A的练习题型为判断题、填空题和英译汉,Text B的练习题型为选择题、单词配对题和问答题,Text C的练习题型有完型填空题、汉译英和单词填字游戏,这些配套练习可以很好地帮助读者检查自己对课文的理解程度并巩固商务英语专业知识。




Unit One: International Trade  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Two: Marketing  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Three : International Finance  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Four:International Business Law  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Five: International Transportation  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Six: International Investment  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Seven: International Taxation  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Eight:International Technology Transfer   Pre-reading activity  Text A   Text B  Text CUnit Nine: Multinational Financial Management  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Ten: Marketing High-Tech Products  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Eleven: Information System  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Twelve: Business Communication  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Thirteen: Advertising Media  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Fourteen: Leadership  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Fifteen: Corporate Culture  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Texf B  Text CUnit Sixtee: Brand Management  Pre-reading activity  Text A   Text B  Text CUnit Seventeen: Merger, Acquisition and Restructuring  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Eighteen: Working Through Cross Culture  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B   Text CUnit Nineteen: Consumer Behavior  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Twenty: Globalization  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text C Unit Twenty-One: Corporate Strategy  Pre-reading activity  Text A   Text B  Text C Unit Twenty-Two: Business Tourism  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text CUnit Twenty-Three: Electronic Commerce  Pre-reading activity  Text A  Text B  Text C


  Those include high inflation, misallocation of capital, overinvestment in heavy industry,and the accelerated use of scarce resources and environmental degradation, Mr. Sanft wrote.  The possible bubble in real estate is spilling over to places like Hong Kong, where lastyear a mainland Chinese citizen purchased a luxury apartment at what was believed to be thehighest price ever on a per-square-foot basis.  Over the weekend, the Hong Kong developer Sun Hung Kai Properties sold 900apartments in its new Yoho Midtown complex at prices that were almost double those of ayear earlier.  The rebound in Taiwan looks equally impressive but likewise is fraught with obstacles.  Data released Monday showed the islands economy powering ahead at an annualized rateof 18 percent in the fourth quarter, significantly above economists expectations.  It is the latest piece of good news for the district, whose reliance on exports meant that ittook a hard hit during the global economic crisis. Unemployment has come down slightly, to5.7 percent, after peaking at more than 6 percent in August, and several companies inTaiwans huge semiconductor manufacturing industry have announced plans to hire thousands  f workers this year as orders pick up.



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