
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:厦门大学出版社  作者:黄宁夏 编  页数:166  字数:273000  


本教材以教育部新颁发的《教学要求》、全国大学英语四六级考试委员会编印的新版《大学英语四级考试大纲》(2006年)、《大学英语六级考试大纲》(2006年)及教育部颁发的其他有关大学英语教学改革的重要文件为主要依据,并根据我国东南沿海高校的特点进行编写,供大学英语课程的一般要求和较高要求层次的教学使用。     本教材包含十个单元,每个单元由阅读和写作两大板块构成:阅读板块围绕一个主题,分为“重点阅读”(Main Reading),“相关阅读”(Related Reading)和“阅读技能解说”(Reading Skills)及相关配套练习。写作板块由“写作技能解说”(Writing Skills)和相关配套练习组成。


前言Unit 1  Tea Drinking——An Art of Uving  Main Reading Tea Drinking--An Art of Living  Reading Skills Skimming略读  Related Reading Gonsfu Tea Ceremony  Writing Skills Diction选词Unit 2  Traditional Cultures,Uving or Dying?  Main Reading Breathing New Life into“Musical Fossils”  Reading Skills Scanning查读  Related Reading“Living Fossils of China’s Last Feudal-Bound Community”Fades Out  Writing Skills Diversity in Wording用词多样化Unit 3  Artistic Glamour of Chinese Historical Heritage  Main Reading Ancient Buddhist Sculpture Embodies Chinese and Tibetan Wisdom  Reading Skills Skimming&Scanning略读与查读  Related Reading Yungang Grottoes--The Dynasty Carved on Stone  Writing Skills Sentence Development I扩句三要素Unit 4  Chinese Folk Activities in Special Festivals  Main Reading Enjoying Spring Festival Fair in Beijing  Reading Skills Guessing the Meaning of the New Words I猜词(利用词根和前缀)  Related Reading P.jiang Bench Dragon Show  Writing Skills Sentence Development lI句式多样化Unit 5  Chinese Philosophers  Main Reading Confucius,the First Educator of China  Reading Skills Guessing the Meaning of the New Words lI猜词(利用反义词与近义词)  Related Reading Lao Zi,The Founder of Taoism  Writing Skills Topic Sentence主题句Unit 6  Food and Drinks  Main Reading Afternoon Tea in Britain  Reading Skills Guessing the Meaning of the New W0rdsⅢ猜词(利用定义、例子和背景知识)  Related Reading Food and Drinks in Britain  Writing Skills How to wdte a Paragraph组句成段(主题句、支撑句和结尾句)Unit 7  Entertainment  Main Reading Disneyland  Reading Skills Word with More than One Meanings一词多义  Related Reading The H。llyland of the American Movie Industry~Hollywood  Writing Skills How to Write a Paragraph II组句成段(衔接与连贯)Unit 8  Influential People in America  Main Reading Top 10 American Icons  Reading Skills Understanding Transitional WoMs and Phrases理解篇章中的连接词  Related Reading Eleanor Roosevelt  Writing Skills How to Write a ParagraphⅢ组句成段(段落的起承转合)Unit 9  Dancing with Africans  Main Reading African Dance——Ancient t0 the Future  Reading Skills  Understanding the Logic of Cause&Effect and Comparison&Contrast掌握因果关系、对比和对照的逻辑关系  Related Reading Latin Dance Styles  Writing Skills Learning Writing by Imitation仿写与写作Unit 10  Going Out and See the World  Main Reading Malta:A Journey to the Birthplace 0f Civillzed World  Reading Skills Understanding the Viewpoint of the Writer领会作者的观点  Related Reading Cultural Mosaic of Malaysia  Writing Skills Central Idea and Outline Writing主题与写作大纲



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