
出版时间:2007-11  出版社:厦门大学  作者:林景鸿  页数:188  




PrefaceIntroductionPart 1. Read Between the Lins for Conversational Implicatures 1.A Laconic Answer 2.Weird Coincidence 3."Are You Enjoying the Film?" 4.What On Earth Was He Talking about? 5.The Cows Are Crying  6.The Sign of Welcome 7.Who Tops Them All? 8.Politicians'Lie 9.Mr.and Mrs.Pologize 10.Real Beers 11.The Fastest Train in the World 12.Why Are You Crying? 13.A Catholic Service 14.When Are You Going to Pay Your Money? 15.The Art Collector 16.You've Just Thrown the Wrong Bitch out of the Window 17.Fish in a Barrel 18.Unexpected Situation 19.Please Don't Talk While I'm Interrupting 20.What Was the Campaign Politician's Stance? 21.A "Dear John"Letter 22.Does the Early Bird Get the Worm? 23.Charles Makes a Complete Apology 24.Dr.Swift and the Boy  25.The Old Woman and the PhysicianPart 2:Read Between the Lines for General Implications 1.An Unforgettable Evening 2.Is This How You Left It? 3.How about Two Dollars? 4.Beomg Brave at tje Supermarket 5.Classmates of Teacher and Student? 6.But Officer 7.A Useful Lesson 8.Hoya,Hoya! 9.Reasonable or Not? 10."Dear John"Lunch 11.The "Apple"Pin 12.Thanksgiving 13.Why did the Detective Arrest Him? 14.Two Businessmen  15.Who Knocked Down the Walls of Jerich? 16.Two Businessmen 17.Who Knocked Down the Walls of Jericho? 18.Irrefutable Evidence 19.He Loves Her Dearly 20.Do You Know My Work? 21.He Showed Us the Door 22.Collect Call from Las VegasPart 3.Read Between the Lines for Writers'Views or PurposesPart 4.Read Between the Lines for Understood Conclusions主要参考书目



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