
出版时间:2000  出版社:厦门大学出版社  作者:潘维廉  页数:417  字数:402000  


本书以一个外国朋友的视角,介绍厦门的历史、风土人情,特别是对厦门的气候、风味小吃、旅游景观等外国人感兴趣的方方面面作了生动而详细的介绍,文笔流畅,笔调轻松、幽默,并积极肯定厦门改革开放以来的各项成就,是一本很好的宣传厦门的外文图书。本书用英文写成,分三大部分,第一部分介绍厦门的历史人文、贸易、自然环境等;第二部分介绍福建的其他风景名胜区;第三部分介绍厦门的饮食、节日、购物、风俗等。    作者简介:    About the Author,From'76until'78,Bill Brown was a young airman in the U.S.Air Force in Taiwan,Never dreaming that 10 years later,he and his wife and sons would settle on the opposite side of the Taiwan Straits in ancient Amoy.When asked why he moved to China,Bill said,"Because Chinese food is too expensive in America."    In 1994,the Browns set out to explore their 2nd home by driving their van,"Toy Ota,"over 40,000km around China-up the coast,through the Gobi desert,over the Himalayan heights to Tibet,and back.They were impressed by the scope and pace of change in every corner of China,and loved the food(but didn't care for Tibetan buttered tea).    But 40,000 km of driving taught the Browns that there is no place like home-sepscially when home is the magical island of Amoy.


Part One Enjoy Amoy  Chapter 1 Welcome Laowai-Intro  Chapter 2 Getting Down to Business  Chapter 3 Fun On-Island  Chapter 4 Gulangyu Islet  Chapter 5 Amoy Bushwalks  Chapter 6 Fowl Pursuits  Chapter 7 Museums  Chapter 8 Near Amoy Island  Chapter 9 Getting A bout(TransportationPart Two The Rest of Fujian  Chapter 10 Mythical Zaytun(Quanzhou)  Chapter 11 Zhangzhou  Chapter 12 Hakka Roundhouses  Chapter 13 Longyan(Dragon Crag)  Chapter 14 Fuzhou  Chapter 15 Putian and Xianyou  Chapter 16 Ningde  Chapter 17 Wu yi Mountain  Chapter 18 Scenic SanmingPart Three Life in Amoy  Chapter 19 Chinese Foodfest  Chapter 20 Our Favorite Eateries  Chapter 21 Laowai Lexicon of Chinese Cuisine  Chapter 22 Home Cooking-Chinese & Western  Chapter 23 Laowai Life(Shopping)  Chapter 24 Chinese Festivals and Culture  Chapter 25 Mad About Mandarin(The language)  Chapter 26 Lords of OpiumEpilogue Look UpSupplement Fujian Handicrafts & Shopping




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