出版时间:2009-5 出版社:四川大学出版社 作者:左红珊 页数:322
探讨我国学生如何学习英语习语,无疑有助于深化我们对语言学习过程的认识,而左红珊的研究正是在这一领域作出了有价值的贡献。 左红珊的贡献在哪里呢?她的研究告诉我们:我国学习者初学英语时意识不到习语是不可分割的,只是随着英语水平的提高才倾向于把习瓖作为整体来处理;在加工习语的过程中,语境的作用十分突出,习语义与语境的吻合程度是决定习语识别的重要变量,学习者理解习语的策略多与语境有关。本书详细描述了她开展研究的过程以及研究的发现,概括了我国学生学习习语的过程,指出了需要深入开展研究的问题。她的研究对有兴趣了解和探讨外语学习心理的研究生和教师一定会有启发和借鉴作用。
序AcknowledgmentsAbstractChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research orientation 1.2 English verbal idioms: The object of research 1.3 Rationale 1.4 Key research questions 1.5 Organization of the dissertationChapter 2 Idiom Processing in L2 Reading:Issues, Studies, and Problems 2.1 English verbal idioms 2.1.1 Defining "idiom" 2.1.2 Classification of idioms 2.1.3 English verbal idioms 2.1.4 Cross-linguistic studies of idioms 2.1.5 Classification of English verbal idioms in the present study 2.2 Previous research on idiom processing 2.2.1 Lower-level and higher-level processing in I2 reading 2.2.2 Lower-level processing of idioms in L2 reading-- Idiom recognition 2.2.3 Higher-level processing of idioms in reading-- Idiom comprehension 2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Predictions on L2 Learners' Processing of Unfamiliar Idioms in Reading 3.1 Operationalizing "idiom processing" 3.1.1 Operationalizing "idiom recognition". 3.1.2 Operationalizing "idiom comprehension" 3.2 Predictions on L2 learners' processing of idioms in reading 3.2.1 Effect of idiom type 3.2.2 Effect of proficiency level 3.3 Research hypotheses 3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Methodology 4.1 Study 1 4.1.1 Participants 4.1.2 Instrumentation 4.1.3 The computerized idiom recognition task 4.1.4 Data analysis 4.2 Study 2 4.2.1 Participants 4.2.2 Instrumentation 4.2.3 The computerized idiom comprehension task 4.2.4 Data analysis 4.3 Study 3 4.3.1 Participants 4.3.2 The think-aloud procedures 4.4 Summary Chapter 5 Results and AnalysisChapter 6 General DiscussionsChapter 7 ConclusionBibiography后记