
出版时间:2008-11  出版社:四川大学出版社  作者:赵鹏芳 编  页数:64  


  Special:English即“慢速英语”,是VOA电台专为全世界非英语国家初学英语的听众安排的一种简易、规范的英语广播节目。该节目始创于20世纪50年代末期,是VOA电台的专家们为世界各地的英语学习者所研究开发的节目。它正式开播于1959年10月。当时只面向欧洲和中东,后来因为这个节目适合许多国家英语学习者的需要,所以它的广播对象就扩大到世界其他地区,并很快在全球范围内产生了广泛的影响。如今这个节目对欧洲、非洲和拉丁美洲每晚广播一次,对加勒比地区每晚广播一次(星期天除外),对东南亚广播的次数最多,每天上午两次,晚上三次。  四十多年来,VOA电台为了办好这个节目,进行了大量的调查研究工作,对播音速度、内容及用词范围都作了具体规定,基本上达到了既能为英语学习者提供信息,又不损害英语本身风格的目的,使之成为VOA电台独具特色、拥有最大量听众的节目。美国著名词汇学家S.B.Flexmer指明了Special English的三条标准,也就是它之所以“特别”的地方:(1)它是一种由美国人最常用的1 500个基本单词为主体构成的美国英语;(2)它用简短、明晰的句子写作和广播;(3)它以每分钟90个单词的速度,即Standard English速度的2/3进行广播。


  《美国英语听力活页教程(第2册)》直接录自《美国之音》Special English节目,从《今日美国》《美国风情》《美国人物》《教育新闻》四个专题中精选出内容健康、情节动人、发音清晰的部分,组合为4单元16课,每课选择5个短篇或者2个长篇。所选内容具有完整性。《美国英语听力活页教程(第2册)》1-4册在用词和读音速度上循序渐进,可为学生听懂标准英语打下坚实基础。本套丛书一、二册可解决基础听力问题。本册适用于英语专业低年级学生。


UNIT 1 THE MAKING OF A NATION(合众国的造就)Lesson 1 Road to Pearl Harbor(珍珠港之路)1—1 Road to Pearl Harbor(1) 1—2 Road to Pearl Harbor(2) 1—3 Road to Pearl Harbor(3) 1—4 Synopsis:1920——1940Lesson 2 US/Japan Relations Before World War Two(二战前的美日关系)2—1 US/Japan Relations Before World War Two(1)2—2 US/Japan Relations Before World War Two(2)2—3 US/Japan Relations Before World War Two(3)2—4 Pearl Harbor t0 Europe Lesson 3 The War in Europe(欧洲战场)3—1 The War in Europe(1)3—2 The War in Europe(2)3—3 The War in Europe(3)3—4 The War in Europe(4)Lesson 4 The War in the Pacific(太平洋战争)4—1 The War in the Pacific(1)4—2 The War in the Pacific(2)4—3 The War in the Pacific(3)4—4 World War Two/HOITle FrontUNIT 2 DEVELoPMENT REPoRT(发展报道)Lesson 5 Tobacco in Developing Countres(发展中国家的烟草业)5—1 Tobacco in Developing Countries5—2 New TB Vaccine to Be Tested5—3 Economics and Health5—4 UN Report on Aging5—5 Selling Kidneys Lesson 6 Bushmeat Hunting in.Ghana(偷猎在加纳)6—1 Bushmeat Hunting in Ghana 6—2 Infectious Diseases6—3 Indian Medical Camp6—4 WHO and Smallpox6—5 Health Problems in AfghanistanLesson 7 Tools for Development(工具的发展)7—1 Tools for Development7—2 Factsfor Life7—3 Gates Foundation7—4 Pot—in-Pot Cooling Device 7—5 Solar Cookers Lesson 8 Vitamin-Enriched Drinks(富含维生素的饮料)8—1 Vitamin—Enriched Drinks8—2 Campaign Against Polio8—3 UN World Food Report 8—4 Human Development Report8—5 Child Nutrition ProgramUNIT 3 EXPLoRATIoNS (开发与探索)Lesson 9 Software Theft(盗版软件)9—1 Software Theft(1)9—2 Software Theft(2)9—3 Software Theft(3)9-4 Shopping on the InternetLesson 10 Spacesuit History(宇航服的历史)10—1 Spacesuit History(1)10—2 Spacesuit History(2)10—3 Spacesuit History(3)10—4 Space DigestLesson 11 Silk Road Folldife Festival(丝绸之路民间文化节)11—1 Silk Road Folklife Festival(1)11—2 Silk Road Folklife Festival(2)11—3 Silk Road Folklife Festival(3)11—4 Wade Davis Lesson 12 Soaring(滑翔)12—1 Soaring(1)12—2 Soaring(2)12—3 Soaring(3)12—4 Sport ParachutingUNIT 4 ENVIRONMENT REPORT(环境报道)Lesson 13 World’S Forests Endangered(森林岌岌可危)13—1 World’S Forests Endangered13—2 UN Fishing Treaty13—3 rornadoes 13—4 Saving Sea Turtles13—5 Less Gas from Farm AnimalsLesson 14 Nuclear Waste(核废物)14—1 Nuclear Waste 14—2 Global Warming Threatens Himalayas14—3 Nuclear Pollution and Cancer 14—4 Eastern US Drought 14—5 Health Effects at Ground ZeroLesson 15 Rooftop Gardens(屋顶花园)15—1 Rooftop Gardens15—2 Arctic Refuge Drilling 15—3 Olympics Doing Harm in Salt Lake?15—4 International Whaling Commission15—5 UN Environment Prize Lesson 16 Medicinal Plant Conservation(保护药用植物)16—1 Medicinal P1ant Conservation16—2 Pollution Threatens Water Cycle 16—3 Monarch Butterfly Deaths in Mexico16—4 Endangered Tulles Rescued16—5 Effects of GlobM WanningAnswer Keys and Tapescripts(答案及录音文本)


  11—1 SiIk Road Folklire Festival(1)  1.What were exchanged along the,silk road for about 2,000 years?  A.Goods and ideas.  B.Art and music.  C.Silk material from China.  D.A,B and C.   2.What is the Smithsonian Folklife Festival celebrating?  A.It is celebrating its 2000anniversary.  B.It is celebrating the friendship between China and America.  C.It is celebrating the living traditions of the Silk R0ad.  D.It is celebrating the happy life that silk material has brought.  3.Which statement is NOT true to those who will take part in this year's Folklife Festival?  A.There are 400 people.  B.They are from over 20 countries.  C.They include musicians,artists,cooks,presenters and SO on.  D.They are all the first time outside their countries.  4.What did the Folklife Festival center on?  A.It centered on the silk.   B.It centered on living people.  C.It centered on the model of the museum exhibit.  D.It centered on the well—known people.  5.What does NOT Mr Kennedy say?  A.Arts and traditions help hold a community together.  B.These traditions and arts disappear,then the communities disappear.  C.Many skills and arts of the people at the festival are as worthy as that in a museum.  D.Planning began almost 14 years ago for what is most complex and costly festival yet.  ……



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