
出版时间:2008-7  出版社:克鲁格 (Krueger.G.R.)、布亚 (Buja.M.)、 肖建国 四川大学出版社 (2008-07出版)  作者:克鲁格(Krueger.G.R.),布亚(Buja.M.),  页数:290  






编者:(德国)克鲁格(Krueger.G.R.) (美国)肖建国 (美国)布亚(Buja.M.)Gerhard RF Krueger, MD, PhD is professor of pathology and laboratory medicine andadjunct professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas-Houston Medical School,Texas, USA. He is also emeritus dean and director of the laboratory of computational cellbiology at the University of Cologne Medical School, Germany. Dr. Krueger was born inBerlin, Germany, in 1936 and received his medical education at the Freie UniversitaetBerlin, Germany, postgraduate education in general pathology and pathologic anatomy withJohann Wilhelm Masshoff, Berlin, Germany, experimental pathology and pathologicanatomy with Harold L Stewart, NIH Bethesda, Maryland USA, and immunopathology withRichard A Malmgren, NIH Bethesda, Maryland USA. He holds certificates from the GermanBoard of Pathology and the American Board of Pathology. Dr. Krueger has been and still isactively engaged in the practice of pathology and teaching to medical students andresidents. His investigative interests focus on the pathology of the hematopoietic andimmune systems, the pathogenesis of diseases including malignant lymphomas and otherlymphoproliferative diseases as well as transplantation pathology, and clinical herpesvirology. This life-time experience ultimately lead to the design of various computationalmodels of cell proliferation and differentiation of the T cell immune system. Dr. Krueger haspublished more than 300 articles in scientific journals, edited or co-edited 6 scientific bookson immunopathology, general pathology and herpes virology, and published many bookchapters. He is dedicating his recent years preferentially to the education of residents ingeneral pathology and pathologic anatomy.    Jianguo Xiao, MD, PhD is a clinical faculty and program director at Department ofPathology and Laboratory at the University of Texas-Houston Medical School, Texas, USA.He received medical education and PhD in general pathology and experimental pathologyin China. He taught medical students in medical schools and practice pathology as a staffpathologist in university affiliated hospitals. Dr. Xiao was an awardee of National Advanceof Science and Technology Award and Ministry of Health Science Award. He also receiveda graduate degree in health informatics at the University of Texas Health Science Center atHouston. Dr. Xiao's research interest is focused on the pathogenesis of infectious diseasesand clinical application of health informatics and has numerous publications andpresentations in these fields. Currently, Dr. Xiao dedicates his efforts in pathology residenttraining, clinical service and research on morphoproteomics and pathology informatics.L Maximilian Buja, MD is professor of pathology and laboratory medicine and holds theDistinguished Chair in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Texas HealthScience Center at Houston. He also is Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs,having previously served as Dean of the Medical School and Chairman of the Departmentof Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center atHouston. He is certified by the American Board of Pathology. Dr. Buja's scholarly interestsare centered on the pathology of cell injury, inflammation and cardiovascular diseases. Heis an active teacher of medical students, residents, fellows, and graduate students. Dr. Buja'sresearch is focused on the pathogenesis of cardiac and vascular diseases, includingatherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, and cardiomyopathies.  He has publishedextensively in these areas. His most recent research includes the potential role of stem celltherapy in cardiac repair.


List of Contributors Chapter 1   Basics in General Pathology  GRF KruegerChapter 2   Cardiovascular Pathology  LM BujaChapter 3   Pathology of the Respiratory Tract  GRF Krueger and M WagnerChapter 4   Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  J Xiao, D Tan, M Wagner and GRF KruegerChapter 5   Pathology of Liver, Biliary System and Exocrine   Pancreas  Z Qu and CK RyanChapter 6   Pathology of Urinary System and the Male Genital  Tract  LM Buja and J XiaoChapter 7   Pathology of Breast and the Female Genital Tract  LM Buja and J XiaoChapter 8   Pathology of the Hematopoietic and Lymphatic  Tissues  GRF KruegerChapter 9   Pathology of Bones and Soft Tissues  J Mika and LK CultonChapter 10  Pathology of Skin and Adnexa  C Assaf and W SterryChapter 11  Endocrine Pathology  RA DeLellis, J Xiao and GRF KruegerChapter 12 Ear, Nose and Throat Pathology  JP Klussmann, M Stenner and 0 Guntinas-LichiusChapter 13 Pathology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous  SystemS PapasozomenosChapter 14 Pathology of the Eye  M Wang and RW YeeIndex后记







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