
出版时间:2008-4  出版社:四川大学出版社  作者:靳涵身  页数:239  




IntroductionChapter 1 Intertextuality and Its Critical Approaches1.1 The Theory of Intertextuality1.2 Critical Approaches for Intertextual InvestigationChapter 2 Imitative Intertextuality: The Prototypal Elements2.1 Archetypal Projections in the Myth of Eden: The Shared Prototypes2.1.1 Archetypal Projections in the Myth of Eden2.1.2 Prototypes from the Myth of Eden for The Scarlet Letter2.1.3 Direct Connections of Updike's Trilogy with the Myth of Eden2.2 Prototypes for Updike's Trilogy Deriving from The Scarlet Letter2.2.1 The Prototypal Characters2.2.2 The Thematic Prototypes2.2.3 The Symbolic PrototypesChapter 3 Derivative Intertextuality: The Extended Elements3.1 Revelation of Unpublicized Details3.2 Exposure of Characters behind the Scenes3.3 Segmentation of Characters3.4 Prequel/Sequel Scenarios3.5 Paratextual IntertextualityChapter 4 Subversive Intertextuality: The Aggressive Elements4.1 The Common Topics4.2 Hawthorne's Attitudes and Opinions4.3 Updike's Attitudes: Agreements and Subversions4.3.1 The Agreed Elements4.3.2 The Subverted ElementsChapter 5 The Updikian Intertextual Narration: An Assessment5.1 Rewriting Classics: A Specialty of Updike5.2 The Updikian Intertextual Narration: Aesthetic Concerns5.3 Updike's Voice: Thematic Concerns5.3.1 Sex and Adultery5.3.2 Religious Matters5.3.3 Women's LiberationConclusionNotesWorks Cited



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