出版时间:2005-6 出版社:四川大学 作者:廖巧云
为了建立一个能更有效、更全面地阐释成功交际的新模式,作者研究了集哲学、认知和社会三大视角的研究优势于一体的三维模式即C-R-A模式(C代表CP,R代表RT,A代表AT,系三大始发理论)。 全书共分7章。第一章为本研究的总体介绍,第二至第四章为整个研究奠定了基础:讨论交际的工作定义,三大理论的优势与不足,以及本研究的理论基础,亦即经验现实主义。第五章构建综合性模式,即C-R-A模式。第六章是关于C-R-A模式的应用,详细分析各类简单话语、会话,以说明该模式在交际阐释中的实用性和有效性。第七章为结论,总揽全文。
AbbreviationsEnglish Abstract中文摘要List of Figures and TablesChapter 1 1.1 Lead-in remarks 1.2 The rationale of the study 1.3 Objectives of the present study 1.4 Methodology and data for the research 1.5 The organization of the bookChapter 2 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Definitions of communication reviewed 2.3 The working definition of communication for the present study 2.4 SummaryChapter 3 3.1 Three basic communication models revisited 3.2 Overview of CP 3.3 Overview of RT 3.4 Overview of AT 3.5 The proposed improvements and synthetical studies of the three theories 3.6 Revelation for subsequent researchChapter 4 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Distinction between objectivism and experientialism 4.3 Semantic-pragmatic demarcation 4.4 Marmaridou's discussion of pragmatic meaning from experientialism 4.5 Theoretical support for the present study 4.6 SummaryChapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7ReferencesAppendix BTUV Seminar 4&5