
出版时间:2007-6  出版社:陕西师范大学出版社  作者:陆燕 编  


 The goal of the student of Chinese Made Easier is to speakChinese well so as to be able to live and work in China and make friends with Chinese people,            This Workbook complements Chinese Made Easier Book 3.Chinese Made Easier Book 3 introduces you to a wider range ofeveryday topics as well as taking you ever deeper into the mysteries of Chinese grammar.   The purpose of this Workbook is to help you practice each les-son's topic, new vocabulary and grammar. After you have prepared a lesson at home and then practiced it with your teacher at school,don't forget to go outside and use it with your Chinese friends and acquaintances -- for what goes in quickly disappears quickly if you don't use it quickly!


21.Renting an Apartment22.Post Office23.Taking a Taxi24.  Buying Clothes25.Buying FoodLesson 21  Lesson 25 Characters 26.  Buying Daily Necessities 27.  Seeing a Doctor 28.  An Outing 29.  Talking about the Weather 30.BankingLesson 26--Lesson 30 Characters 31.  An Invitation for a Meal 32.  Repairing a Bicycle 33.  Talking about Education 34.Introducing Yourself 35.  Learning ChineseLesson 31  Lesson 35 Characters  36.Hobbies & Interests 37.My Computer Has Been Stolen! 38.Car Accident 39.Having a Meal at a Professor's Home 40.Traveling in ChinaLesson 36--Lesson 40 Characters




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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   做为对外汉语的老师,能找到一本好书是最重要的。我很喜欢这套教材,很实用。
  •   很好很给力,我喜欢,不错的
  •   好书 正好赶上可以给学生期末复习做练习 很给力!!
  •   很好用,学生很喜欢上面的练习题
  •   这是我第一次在网上买东西。当当的速度很快,商品的价格也还可以,最主要是免了邮费,比我去书店买要方便多了。这次买的是CME的练习册,这本练习册上的练习题还可以,比较详细,不过才用了第一课,不知道后面的怎么样。总体感觉不错!
  •   让学生多 做练习,巩固学习效果
  •   第三册练习册更详细了

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