
出版时间:2006年8月1日  出版社:陕西师范大学出版社  作者:张廷华  页数:177  


  《高中生英语新作文(品牌版)》主要内容包括怎样提高英语写作能力、英语作文分类点评、记叙文写法指导、佳作展示、Think before You Act、My Favorite English Teacher、I Learned to Swim、Books Are My Favorites Self-confidence、My Clever Cat、MyHair、A Fashionable Skirt等。


怎样提高英语写作能力英语作文分类点评记叙文写法指导佳作展示Think before You ActMy Favorite English TeacherI Learned to SwimBooks Are My Favorites Self-confidenceMy Clever CatMyHairA Fashionable SkirtA Burglar’S ProtestWhat Am I Going to Be When I Grow UpAn Unforgettable TourAn Unforgettable ThingI Have a New DreamAn Episode in My Childhood散文写法指导佳作展示3prlngI Love My MotherlandDoves of PeaceWalking on the PathBest Wishes forMy MotherlandI Love ForestsI Love English Songs Very MuchMv DreamsI Hear the ShaoshuiRiver CryingOur Great MotherlandMv Wish on the National Day议论文写法指导佳作展示Do Study Hard Save FrogsI PaidDearly for My CarelessnessSpring FestivalIt Is Possible to Learn English Well On FailureAbout Watching TVOur SchoolPolluted Protecting Birds Grear Parental Love ShouldWe Learn 10 Do HouseworkNever Get Married Early应用文写法指导佳作展示A Letterto a FriendA Letter to a Pen FriendA Letter from My Pen Friend日记写法指导佳作展示My Grandma’S BirthdayMy Diary A DiaxwMy Diary说明文写法指导佳作展示English Speeches of Three MinutesMy Favorite HobbyThe Chinese New Year New Beijing,Great OlympicsThe Eastern Hawaii——Sanya City历年高考书面表达试题汇编书面表达专题训练书面表达试题优秀答卷点评学生书面表达习作点评



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