
出版时间:2012-08-01  出版社:西北工业大学出版社  作者:李翠香,刘春阳 编  页数:177  


  《物流专业英语》是物流专业英语教材,以物流的术语定义作为起点,在物流信息技术的基础 上,探讨了全球定位系统、电子数据交换、条形码等方面的内容。全书共 分为10个章节,每个章节都有 A、B两篇文章,课后包括单词及词组、课后练习题等。每章节的最后还有 一篇补充阅读材料,以扩充学 生的知识面。《物流专业英语》可作为高职高专物流管理专 业及相关专业的公共必修课教材,也可作为物流从业人员的参考读物及培 训资料。


Chapter 1 The Introduction of LogisticsPassage A The Concept of LogisticsPassage B The Features of Modem LogisticsSupplementary Reading Definitio of Logistics TermsChapter 2 Logistics Information TechnologyPassage A Introduction of Logistics Information TechnologyIPassage B Advanced Technology in LogisticsSupplementary Reading DHL Adds Supply Chain Services,Sig SunChapter 3 Supply Chain Management|Passage A The Introduction of Supply Chain ManagementPassage B The Development of Supply Chain ManagementSupplementary Reading Supply Chain Business Process IntegrationChapter 4 Warehousing ManagementPassage A Types of WarehousingPassage B Warehouse EquipmentSupplementary Reading Warehouse Management SystemChapter 5 Inventory ManagementPassage A Introduction of InventoryPassage B Justin-time Inventory ManagementSupplementary Reading How to Carry out an ABC Inventory AnalysisChapter 6 Tra portation ManagementPassage A The Development of Tra portationPassage B Tra portation Modes and ElementsSupplementary Reading A Brief History of Logistics and Tra portationChapter 7 Logistics DocumentsPassage A Documents in LogisticsPassage B Bill of LadingSupplementary Reading Document Management System in LogisticsChapter 8 ContainerizationPassage A Introduction of ContainerizationPassage B Types of ContainerSupplementary Reading The Biah&Evolution of the Container Ship andContainerizationChapter 9 PackagingPassage A About PackagingPassage B Bubble Wrap。Supplementary Reading Facto Influencing Types of Cargo PackagingChapter 10 International LogisticsPassage A The Introduction of International LogisticsPassage B Facto Influencing International LogisticsSupplementary Reading Strategic Optio and Management of Global LogisticsAppendix I 参考答案Appendix Ⅱ 参考译文AppendixⅢ 物流常用词汇Bibliography





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