出版时间:2006-8 出版社:陕西西北工业大学 作者:吴耀武 页数:414 字数:1503000
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M. You know, cough, fever, runny nose, my head and bonesache, chills even. I'm usually miserable for a week and it endsup ruining my holidays. W.. Sounds like a typical flu to me. As you said, lots of peoplehave it, Influenza often strikes when people are over triedstressed out and not eating nutritious, food. And also youincrease your exposure to a virus when you're in big crowdswhere lots of people are coughing and sneezing. M: I certainly spend a lot time in department stores around theholidays buying gifts for people. W: Yes. And so you increase your exposure to airborne virusesjust when your body's resistance is already low from all therunning around you do. M: So what can I do to ward otf the flu? W: Actually it's fairly simple. Get a lot of rest, eat well. Thatway your immune system will be boosted. And you'll be moreable to fight off illness. ……