出版时间:2005-10 出版社:西北工业大学出版社 作者:朱继武,王西玲 主编 页数:362
本书是为英语专业本专科学生打好英语写作基础而编写的教材。全书共分为七大部分,即用词、句子、段落、文章、实用文、论文写作、文稿格式及标点符号。本书在编写中充分考虑到中国学生的实际英语写作水平和存在的问题,本着既要打好英语写作的知识和语言基础,更要侧重培养学生的写作应用能力这一目的,提供了大量例句、例段、范文及实用写作方面的用语,便于学生模仿和实践。 本书还可供非英语专业的研究生、广大英语爱好者以及大、中学校英语教师在练习、指导写作时使用,也可作为提高英语写作的自学教材。
Part One Diction 1.1 Appropriateness Levels of Words Style General Guidelines 1.2 Exactness Denotation and Connotation Synonymous Words and Expressions General and Specific Words Abstract and Concrete Words Idioms Figures of Speech 1.3 Dictionaries The Use of a Dictionary Some Good DictionariesPart Two Teh Sentence 2.1 Elements of a Sentence Subject and Predicate Modifiers Coordination and Subordination 2.2 Types of Sentences Declarative,Interrogative,Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences Simple,Compornd,Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences 2.3 Effective Sentences Unity Coherence Conciseness Emphasis Variety 2.4 Errors and Skills Comma Splices and Fused Sentences Sentence Fragments Subject-Verb Agreement Pronoun Reference Shifts Faulty Parallel Constructions Mixed and Incomplete Constructions ModifiersPart Three The ParagraphPart Four The EssayPart Five Practical WritingPart Six The Research PaperPart Seven Punctuation and MechanicsKey to the ExercisesAppendixesGlossaryBibliography