
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:西北工业大  作者:张凤英  页数:273  字数:245000  




Unit 1   Text A U.S.Researchers Win 2004Nobel Prize  Text B Prescription for Suicide?  Text C Was IBM Hazardous to Workers'Health?Unit 2  Text A World's First Test-tube BAaby Ties Knot  Text B Of Mice and Menopause  Text C Sixty Years On,D-day Veterans Pass Torch into Hands of HistoryUnit 3  Text A At Least 340Die in Paraguay Supermarket Fire  Text B Munch's Iconic Scream Stolen in Noway Fire  Text C Father Rights Protester Exposes Palace SecurityUnit 4   Text A At Least 7 Killed in Blast Outside Australian Embassy in Iakarta  Text B Hurricane Ivan Devastates Grenda  Text C Canada Looks for Ways to Fix Its Health Care SystemUnit 5   Text A Judge,2 Others Killed at Atlanta Courthouse  Text B Gambling Sites ,This Is A Hold up  Text C Army Officer Survives 3,500Feet Fall After Parachute Fails to PpenUnit 6  Text A Russian Siege Ends in Bloodshed  Text B News Species Revealed:Tiny Cousins of Human   Text C Charlotte Wyatt Case:Baby Char lotte Should Not Be Resuscitated Again,Judge RulesUnit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Key to the Exercises




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