
出版时间:2004-9  出版社:西北工业大学出版社  作者:余宝珠  页数:260  字数:319000  


本书是英语写作的中级教材。书中系统分析并讲解了段落写作的基本要素及短文写作的不同方法,通过大量新颖的实例及精选范文,突出了实用技巧的阐述,对提高英语语言的感觉力和实际写作能力大有裨益。    本书既适合于英语专业、非英语专业学生使用,也可供参加各类测试的应试人员、涉外工作人员参考。


Chapter One The Writing Process  What Is Writing   Wtat Is Writing Process  Five Steps in Writing Chapert The Plane of Generality  Clarity  General and Specific Terms  General and Specific Statements  Planes of Generality  Coordinate and Subordinate Relationships   Coordinate and Subordinate Relationships Among SentencesChapter Three Topic Sentence  The Topic Sentence  The Controlling Idea  Placement of the Topic Sentence  Principles in Writing a Topic Sentence wihth a Controlling IdeaChapter Four Paragraph Structure  The Introduction(The Topic Sentence)  The Body of the Paragraph  The Conclusion Chapter Five Paragraph ContinuityChapter Six The Short EssayChapter Seven DescriptionChapter Eight NarrationChapter Nine Expostition:IllustrationChapter Ten Exposition:ClassificationChapter Eleven Exposition:comparison and ContrastChapter Twelve Exposition:Causal AnalysisChapter Thirteen Exposition:DefinitionChapter Fourteen Exposition:process AnalysisChapter Fifteen ArguamentationGlossaryKey to ExersisesEditing and Proofreading SymbolsBibliography



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  •   对于写作初级阶段的人比较有用。有例子帮忙理解,不错

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