
出版时间:2003-3  出版社:西北工业大学出版社  作者:常晓梅  页数:193  字数:150000  




Unit 1  Text A Iraq damages more severe than reported,pentagon says   Text B Iraq moves to oust U.S.and british aid teams uint 2  text A 3rd blair official steps down in scandal over secret loan   text B Merle E.framptom,95,advocate for the blind   text C is bill clinton fit to be president?  报刊阅读知识 七 讣告Unit 3   text A on-line giant may link to CBS news   text B I.M.F weighs swifter action to bar economic crises   text C enter thd dragon Unit 4  text A the enemy on the living room   text B letters to the editor   text C making the grade harder   报刊阅读知识 八 新闻评论的基本结构Uint 5   text A climate conundrum   text B the force of EI nino  text C la nina gets ornery Unit 6  text A the euro will work   text B motorola baets forecasts with a $159 million net for 4th Quarter   text C new coin of the realm  报刊阅读知识 九 特写的特点及种类Unit 7  text A at the microsoft trial,a day for parrying   text B a microsort bug could make some early birds an hour later   ……Unit 8




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