
出版时间:2012-10  出版社:大连理工大学出版社  作者:刘芳 编  页数:272  字数:533000  




1.1 我们能解决经济问题 We Can Solve the Problem of Economy 2
1.2 我们需要一个更加透明、可信的市场
We Need A More Transparent and Credible Market 9
1.3 开启白宫新生活 Opening New Life in the White House 17
1.4 总统也爱体育 The President Also Loves Sports 25
1.5 总统的乐趣 The President’s Pleasure 33
2.1 我们不仅要经济复苏,还要持续性地经济增长
We Want Economic Recovery and Continuous Economic Growth 42
3.1 法治始终应该是我们行为的指南
The Rule of Law Should Always Be the Guide for Our Actions 50
4.1 情报是打击恐怖主义和赢得战争的关键
Intelligence Is the Key to Fight Terrorism and Win the War 62
4.2 想了解一个人,先要了解他的家庭
To Understand One Person You Have to Look at His Family 69
4.3 美国将与中国保持更好的关系
America Will Keep Good Relationship with China 77
4.4 美国需要帮助那些苦难中的人们
America Needs to Help Those Suffering People 85
5.1 我认为回忆录就应该是自我专注的
I Think Memoirs Should Be Somewhat Self-absorbed 94
5.2 我全心全意支持妻子进行政治活动
I Support My Wife Politicking Wholeheartedly 101
6.1 最伤害我的是那些攻击我性格的言论
The Ones That Hurt Me the Most Were Those That Challenged My
Character 110
6.2 我所做的决定基于美国人的最大利益之上
The Decisions I Have Made Was Based on the Best Interests of
American People 55
7.1 激烈的总统竞选辩论 The Drastic Presidential Debates 124
7.2 我认为在目前的体系下不能实现正义
I Think That Justice Is Not Done under the Present System 133
8.1 我的父母有不同的性格 My Parents Have Different Characteristics 140
8.2 我有个美好的家庭 I Have a Wonderful Family 147
9.1 我小时候从没想过从政
I Never Thought of Going into Politics When I Was a Kid 156
9.2 我们会竭尽全力维护和平,促进经济增长
We Will Try Our Best to Preserve Peace and Promote Economy’s Growth
6.2 老年人也能做激动人心的事情
10.1 我们将进一步完善《大西洋宪章》
We Will Try to Complete the Atlantic Charter 172
11.1 美国崇尚自由市场 America Believes in Free Market 180
11.2 信贷市场中一些问题的解决不可能一蹴而就
Some Issues in the Credit Markets Can’t Be Solved Overnight
12.1 我们要做很多工作来确保安全
We Must Do a Lot of Things to Ensure Security 196
12.2 俄罗斯若对一个主权国家采取行动,必然要承担一定的后果
If Russia Takes Actions against a Sovereign State, It Will
13.1 美国不能为西方利益永远孤军奋战
American Can’t Do All the Fighting for Western Interests by Itself
Permanently 2124
14.1 我们必须打击恐怖主义 We Must Fight Against Terrorism 220
14.2 我们将继续参与世界反恐战争
We Will Continue to Participate in the Global War on Terror
15.1 父母最重要的是给予孩子爱和时间
The Most Important Thing for Parents Is to Give Their Children Love
and Time 236
15.2 我们坚决维护单一市场 We Will Safeguard Single Market Firmly 243
16.1 我们必须继续处理监管和逃税问题
We Must Continue to Deal with the Problems of Supervision and Tax
Evasion 25017
17.1 英国与伊朗关系一直紧张
Britain and Iran’s Relationship Has Been Nervous 258
17.2 我们将重建国家保健服务体制
We Will Rebuild National Health Service System 265



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