出版时间:2012-9 出版社:大连理工大学出版社 作者:张宝丹,解肱一 主编 页数:311 字数:510000
脱口而出 Prepared Talker
成功职场 Successful Career
滔滔不绝 Eloquent Speechmaker
Unit 1 Hospitality and Welcome 盛情与欢迎
Text: Chinese Hospitality 中国人的好客之道
1)Arriving at the International Airport 抵达国际机场
2)Meeting a Delegation at the Airport 机场迎接代表团
3) Welcome to the Great Wall Hotel 欢迎下榻长城酒店
4)Thank You for Your hospitality 答谢盛情款待
Eloquent Speechmaking:A Welcome Speech 致欢迎词
Unit 2 Presentations and Introductions 介绍与说明
Text:Make Formal Introductions正规介绍
1) Introduction of an Itinerary 介绍行程
2) This is Our Company 公司介绍
3) Presenting a New Product 推出新产品
4) Meeting a Potential Customer 会见潜在客户
5)A Guided Tour of the City 城市导览
Speechmaking:Presenting A Speechmaker 隆重介绍演讲人
Unit 3 Food Culture 餐饮与文化
Text:Food and Culture 饮食文化
1) Chinese Cuisines 中国菜系
2) Vegetarian Food is Healthy 健康素食
3)Chinese Tea Ceremony is So Fascinating
4) American Food 美式餐饮
5)Popular Drinks in the West 西方饮料
Speechmaking:A Formal Toast 致祝酒词
Unit 4 Recreation and Entertainment 娱乐与享受
Text: Urban Nightlife 都市夜生活
1)Entertaining Clients With Beijing Opera陪客人看京剧
2)Traditional Chinese Music 中国传统音乐
3) Water Sports and Seaside Games 水上运动
4)Famous Gardens in China
Debating: Should X-Games be Encouraged?
Unit 5 Holidays and Celebrations 节日与庆典
Text: Traditional Festivals in China 中国传统节日
1) Spending Chinese New Year in China 在中国过新年
2) Banning Firecrackers on Celebrations?节日禁放烟花爆竹?
3) Presenting a Birthday Gift 赠送生日礼物
4)Attending A Colleague’s Wedding Ceremony 出席同事婚礼
5)A Thanksgiving Day Party 感恩节晚会
Speechmaking:60th Anniversary of China 庆祝建国60周年
Unit 6 Computer Concerns Us 网络世界
Text Computer and Our Life 电脑与生活
1)Setting Up a Company Website 建立公司网站
2)Blogging on the Internet 网上博客
3) Searching for Information on Baidu 百度查询
4)Stay At the Cyber Café Overnight 网吧通宵
5)Shopping at Taobao 淘宝购物
Debating Pros and Cons of On-line Shopping 网络购物利弊
Unit 7 Services and Receptions 服务与接待
1.Text Cross-Cultural Views of Service Quality
1)Information Service 咨询服务
2)Reservation Service 预定服务
3)Boarding Services 登机服务
4)Check-in Service 入住酒店
5) Laundry Service 洗衣服务
6)Dealing With Complaints 处理投诉
Speechmaking: Welcome on Board CAAC 机上广播
Unit 8 Economy and Development 经济与发展
Text Stocks and Bonds 股票与债券
1)Paying by Mortgage 按揭贷款
2)Choosing Overseas Market 选择海外市场
3)Influence of the Financial Crisis 金融危机的影响
4)Setting up a Joint Venture Company 建立合资企业
5) At the Guangzhou Trade Fair 在广交会上
Speechmaking: Opportunities and Challenges 机会与挑战
Unit 9 Health and Wealth 健康与财富
Text Health and Wealth 论健康和财富
1)An Emergency Case 急症
2)Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine 中西医结合疗效好
3)Diet Cures More than a Doctor 食疗胜于医疗
4)If I Won a Lottery! 中六合彩
5)A Checking Account or a Savings Account?
Debating: Is Money the Most Important 金钱最重要?
Unit 10 Social Relations 社会与交往
Text Social Relations and Friendship 社会关系和友情
1) My Boss and My Colleagues 老板与同事
2) Caring About the Employees 关心下属
3)Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系
4) Cross-Cultural Management 跨文化管理
5) Feeling Nervous at Social Interactions 害怕交往
6) Give Money to Beggars? 施舍乞丐?
7) Facing Generation Gap 面对代沟
Speech Competition or Cooperation 竞争与合作?
Unit 11 Education and Abilities 教育与能力
Text Education In the United States 美国教育
1) Talking About Educational Qualifications 教育资历
2) Quality Education 素质教育
3)Education and Employment in China and America教育与就业
4)On-the-Job Training 在职培训
5)Certificate and Ability 证书与能力
Speechmaking: On Graduation Ceremony 毕业致辞
Unit 12 Social Problems 社会问题
1 Text: Social Problems社会问题
1) Dick was Laid Off 迪克下岗了
2) The Harm of Fake Commodities 假货的危害
3) Gender Bias in Employment 职场上的性别歧视
5)Private Cars Should Be Limited? 轿车污染
6)Dust Storms are Terrible 沙尘暴来袭
7)Mammonism 拜金主义
Speechmaking: Development and Environment环境与发展
Unit 13 Culture and Custom 社会习俗
Text Culture Shock 文化休克
1)Greeting Manners 问候礼仪
2)Symbolic Meanings of Chinese Customs 习俗的象征意义
3) Table Manners in China and in the West 中西方餐桌礼仪
4)Acting Your Age-New Rules新的行为标准
5) More Children, More
Speechmaking: Congratulations on a Wedding Ceremony 婚礼贺词
Unit 14 Successful Career 成功职场
Text Workaholics 工作狂
1) Applying for a New Job 申请工作
2)Talking About Education and Work Experience
3)Meeting the Requirements of the Job 谈论工作要求
4) Negotiating for Better Business Deals 与客户谈判
5)Opening New Sales Channels 新的销售渠道
6) Reporting to the Boss 汇报工作
7)Promotion and Pay Rise 升职加薪
Speechmaking: Born to Win 生来就是赢家!
Unit 15 Bidding Farewell 欢送与告别
Text We’re the World; We’re the Future
1) Resigning and Job Hop离职回国
2)Going Abroad for Further Education 出国进修
3)A Farewell Party 欢送晚会
4)Check-Out at a Hotel离店手续
5)Seeing Off at the Airport 机场送别
Speechmaking:A Farewell Speech 致告别词