
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:大连理工大学出版社  作者:丁海彬 编  页数:320  






1.A Bed of Roses2
2.A Big Fish in a Small Pond4
3.A Cat on Hot Bricks6
4.A Dear John Letter8
5.A Dog in the Manger10
6.A Penelope’s Web12
7.A Simon Legree14
8.A Snake in the Grass16
9.A Sop to Cerberus18
10.A Storm in a Teacup20
11.A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing22
12.Achilles's Heel24
13.Adam's Apple26
14.After One's Own Heart28
15.All at Sea30
16.An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth32
17.The Apple of Discord34
18.As Poor as a Church Mouse36
19.As Shy as Daphne38
20.As Wise as Solomon40
21.Ask for Bread and Be Given a Stone42
22.Backseat Driver44
23.Bark up the Wrong Tree46
24.Be Greek to Someone48
25.Be/Get on One's Nerves50
26.Be on the Fence52
27.Beam in One's Own Eye54
28.Bear a Bellerophon Letter 56
29.Beard the Lion in His Den58
30.Beat Around the Bush60
31.Beat the Air62
32.Before the Flood64
33.Better (Is) a Neighbor Nearby than a Brother Far
34.Between Scylla and Charybdis68
35.Bob's Your Uncle70
36.Burn One's Boat 72
37.Burn One's Fingers74
38.Bury One's Head in the Sand76
39.Bury the Hatchet78
40.By Hook or by Crook80
41.Call Someone on the Carpet82
42.Carry Coals to Newcastle84
43.Cast One's Bread upon the Waters86
44.Cast Pearls Before Swine88
45.Cast Sheep's Eyes at90
46.Cat's Paw92
47.Chain Smoker94
48.Cock on His Own Dunghill96
49.Cordelia's Gift98
50.Creations of Cadmus100
51.Cross the Rubicon102
52.Cry Stinking Fish104
53.Cry Wolf106
54.Curious as Lot's Wife108
55.Cut off One's Nose to Spite One's Face110
56.Dine with Duke Humphrey112
57.Do Not Let Your Left Hand Know What Your Right Hand Is
58.Doubting Thomas116
59.Eat Crow118
60.Eat Humble Pie120
61.Eleventh Hour122
62Ewe Lamb124
63.Far Cry126
64.Fifth Column128
65.Fish in Troubled Water130
66.Get out of Bed on the Wrong Side132
67.Gild the Lily134
68.Give Me a Break136
69.Go Through Fire and Water138
70.Go to Jericho140
71.Golden Fleece142
72.Gordian Knot144
73.Greek Calends146
74.Greek Gift(s)148
75.Green Hand150
76.Handwriting on the Wall152
77.Have a Card up One's Sleeve154
78.Have Ants in One's Pants156
79.Have the Midas Touch158
80.Head over Heels160
82.Horse Sense164
83I.n a Nutshell166
84.In One's Birthday Suit168
85.Job's Comforter170
86.Joe Miller172
87.John Bull174
88.John Hancock176
89.Judas Kiss178
90.Keep One's Nose Close to the Grindstone180
91.Kill the Goose to Get the Eggs182
92.Knock on Wood184
93.Know the Ropes186
94.Let George Do It188
95.Lick One's Boots190
96.Like a Bull in a China Shop192
97.Like a Rip Van Winkle194
98.Lose One's Edge196
99.Lose One's Wool198
100.Make a Clean Breast (of)200
101.Make a Pig of Oneself202
102.Make Bricks Without Straw204
103.Meet One's Waterloo206
104.Mercury Fig208
105.Mind One's P's and Q's210
106.Neither Fish nor Fowl212
107.Old Adam214
108.Pandora's Box216
109.Pipe of Peace218
110.Polish the Apple220
111.Promethean Fire222
112.Put Oneself out of Court224
113.Put the Cart Before the Horse226
114.Put the Cat Among the Pigeons228
115.Rain Cats and Dogs230
116.Red Tape232
117.Return to One's Mutton234
118.Rob Peter to Pay Paul236
119.School of Hard Knocks238
120.Scotch, Straight up240
121.Scotch the Snake242
122.Sell One's Hens on a Rainy Day244
123.Separate the Sheep from the Goats246
124.Shed Crocodile Tears248
125.Sour Grapes250
126.Sphinx's Riddle252
127.Spoil the Egyptians254
128.Spring Chicken256
129.Swan Song258
130.The Apple of One's Eye260
131.The Black Sheep of the Family262
132.The Die Is Cast264
133.The Garden of Eden266
134.The Herculean Efforts268
135.The Last Straw270
136.The Lion's Share272
137.The Old Dragon274
138.The Real McCoy276
139.The Salt of the World278
140.The Widow's Cruse280
141.Throw out the Baby with the Bath Water282
142.To Have Hobson's Choice284
143.To Sit Above the Salt286
144.Tom Girl and Nancy Boy288
145.Turn the Cold Shoulder on290
146.Ugly Duckling292
147.Uncle Sam294
148.Under the Rose296
149.Wash One's Hands of298
150.Whited Sepulcher300


  约翰·汉考克(John Hancock.1737年1月12日1793年10月8日),美国革命家、政治家,富商出身。他曾于1775年-1777年任大陆会议主席,是《独立宣言》的第一个签署人。1776年北美洲13个大英帝国殖民地造反,发表《独立宣言》,第一个在宣言上签名的就是约翰·汉考克。这位富商是独立运动的领袖之一,他的签名比《独立宣言》起草人杰斐逊、著名政治家富兰克林等的签名都要大两倍左右。他解释说:“这样,英国国王不用戴眼镜都可以看见我的名字了。”独立战争胜利后,汉考克做总统的希望没有实现,不过,他的名字却流传到今天,成了“亲笔签名”的同义词。  ……



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用户评论 (总计28条)


  •   选的短语挺好的,适合在无聊的广告时间段学习,充分利用零碎时间,非常棒!
  •   零碎时间学英语,很不错
  •   可以用零碎时间学习,书内有些折痕,不过可以接受。
  •   还行,我有这个系列的另一本书,这个虽然是为了凑单=.=! 空闲的短时间真的可以用用,很方便,小小的一本,内容也适当,就是里面的纸感觉有点伤眼.......应该用不那么亮的纸会好点吧...
  •   简单有趣,不会让人觉得烦闷的书,很适合我这种做事三分钟热度且老是给自己找借口的人坚持。毕竟只是很短的一句话,说不定哪天你不经意间还能用上了呢。呵呵
  •   里面关于一些词组的典故,真的很好看,也让人学到东西了。而且书很小巧,到哪里都能带着学下英语~哈哈
  •   为凑单买的 很多小谚语
  •   高考前天天背,终于混了个及格,哈哈
  •   很好,幽默有趣
  •   虽然小,但麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,里面不仅有很多俚语,并且有俚语的起源,便于理解,配的光碟可以教你怎么读,很实用。
  •   喜欢,短小精悍,又有对话实例。
  •   孩子很喜欢,小巧方便携带
  •   这本书真的好可爱啊,小巧玲珑,带着很方便!
  •   书挺好的,易携带
  •   一下买了一套,很喜欢,迷你书
  •   感觉不错。。。方便携带
  •   很喜欢。。。。。。。
  •   很有意思 积少成多
  •   方便实用的小册子,挺喜欢。
  •   很多寓言神话的词源
  •   很好很实用 内容很好
  •   不过还是不会经常看
  •   还比较实用,毕竟很多谚语可能只看的懂字义,也无法理解其内涵
  •   买的时候没注意,以一本小的书,不过内容还算丰富,图文并茂
  •   书比想象中小,但是还是很喜欢
  •   比我想象的要小很多 不过挺方便的。。
  •   像口袋书, 里面是slang,
  •   内容其实一般,没有介绍的那么好

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