
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:大连理工大学出版社  作者:宋军 编  页数:169  




Unit 1
 My Life on the Court
 Your Airline Wants to Get to Know You
 More than One Way to the Square
 Can Nurses Care Too Much?
Unit 2
 Margaret Thatcher
 Bill Gates
 Diana, Princess of Wales
Unit 3
 The Internet——the Best Place to Learn English
 Quality Schools
 Successful Job Interviews
 Thinking Revolution
Unit 4
 Delivering Food in a College Community
 Tips to Maximizing Your College Budget
 Landing a Part-time Job
 Do You Need a Gap Year?
Unit 5
 April Fool' s Day
 Hello, Everybody
 The End of an Era
 Bridal Showers
Unit 6
 Phelps's Mother Helps Her Son Find Gold-Medal Focus
 Jet Li's One Foundation
 Saving Private Ryan
 Civil Rights Movements
Unit 7
 Gender Issues in Health ~ Medicine
 Prenuptial Agreements
 Ethics Issue for Citizen Snappers
Unit 8
 Difficult Behavior in Adolescents
 Anxiety: How to Deal with it
 Saying No to the Net
 Up the Ladder, Step by Step
Unit 9
 Growing Cities and their Environment
 Fighting over Freshwater
 Climate Change in Action
 The Next Generation of Biofuels
Unit 10
 The Dream of Geophysicists
 The Unpredictable Computer
 Fight Stress and Keep the Weight Off
 The Future of Man——How Will Evolution Change Humans?
 Key to Comprehension Exercises


  Try to keep your hands lower than your elbows; rest them on the arms of the chair.Try to gauge interviewers' preferred distance by their seating arrangements. Move closer only if they seem skeptical about what you're saying.Where you sit, too, is as important as how you sit.If you are sitting on the edge of the seat, it can make you look eager but also scared.Go ahead and slide to the back of the chair and sit tall and straight. That will make you look confident and comfortable.Girls should not cross their legs and instead sit with their knees together. Men should avoid sitting with their legs too wide apart.How to Use Your Voice Add Volume to Increase Authority. Remember that your voice always sounds louder to you than to anyone else. Also remember that your voice is an instrument; it needs to be warmed up, or it will creak and crack at the beginning of your presentation. If you warm up with a high volume, as though projecting to those in the back row, your volume also will improve your vocal quality. Volume adds energy to your voice; it has the power to command or lose listeners' attention.  ......



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