
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:大连理工大学出版社  作者:钟乐平,浩瀚 编  页数:385  


  精选185个生活主题,涵盖最新生活英语情景的方方面面  再现生活中最常用的地道表达方式,例句、对话、短剧扮演,最真实体验式学习  《时尚生活英语口语(附光盘)》共有185个Unit ,每个Unit 包含以下三个层次:  ◇第一层 熟读2分钟  列举了相关主题下各种生活中常用的表达方式,所选例句准确规范、浅显易懂、学习轻松,并能让你举一反三、随心所欲地进行表达。  ◇第二层 一边听一边练  精选了每?主题情景下的常用对话,将生活中经常遇到的对话一并囊括,为您提供提高英语口语水平的便捷途径。  ◇第三层 情景短剧扮演  提供了一组最常用的生活情景对话,您可以通过最贴近实际的场景会话,体会说话的真切氛围,每天反复练习,从而达到脱口而出的境界。  三个层次内容丰富,每个层次从不同的角度给读者展现素材,教给读者不同的学习口语的方法,给读者不同的学习体验。就像一杯多滋多味的鸡尾酒(cocktail),每个层次各不相同。鸡尾酒(cocktail)越品越有味道,越喝越有激情,使你越学越有兴趣。  打开鸡尾酒,开始品尝吧!


  浩瀚(笔名),原名李洪涛,34岁破格晋升为高级职称。导演了六部电视教学专题片,均荣获省部级一等奖。他自幼爱好绘画、朗诵、收藏等。现主持北京浩瀚英语研究所工作,专门从事英语工具书、教辅书及大众英语指导书的策划、 编稿和出版工作。十五年来,姑研究所已在科学出版社、外文出版社、 石油工业出版社、大连理工大学出版社、机械工业出版社、上海科学普及出版社等全国五十多家出版社出版英文著作800余种,有的书印数多达15万余册。其主要代表作有:《英汉广播电影电视电教词典》、《英语写作双向速查词典》;《英汉多功能双解词典》、《流畅英语口语》、《英语口语一语千说》、《敢说英语》系列30种、《英语900句》系列20种、《365英语》系列等。


Part 1 Diet Culture饮食文化Unit 1 厨房KitchenUnit 2 烹饪CookingUnit 3在家吃饭Dinner at HomeUnit 4 外出吃饭Dining OutUnit 5 预订餐桌Reservation of a TableUnit 6 点菜OrderingUnit 7 推荐菜肴RecommendationUnit 8 评价食品Judging FoodUnit 9 付账Paying the BillUnit 10 中餐厅Chinese RestaurantsUnit 11 西餐厅Western RestaurantsUnit 12 餐厅投诉Complaining in the RestaurantUnit 13 餐桌文化Table CultureUnit 14 烧烤BarbecueUnit 15 日本料理Japanese RestaurantsUnit 16 自助餐厅At the CafeteriaUnit 17 喝茶Drinking TeaUnit 18 酒吧At the BarUnit 19 咖啡屋Coffee BarUnit 20 饮料BeverageUnit 21 早餐BreakfastUnit 22 午餐LunchUnit 23 晚餐SupperUnit 24 甜点DessertUnit 25 离开餐馆LeavingPart 2 Housing房屋居住Unit 26 寻找房源Looking for a HouseUnit 27 看房Showing around the HouseUnit 28 签订协议Signing the LeastUnit 29 分期付款购房Buying a House in InstallmentUnit 30 乔迁之喜Moving into a New HouseUnit 31 装修DecorationUnit 32 卧室BedroomUnit 33  浴室BathroomUnit 34  起居室Living RoomUnit 35  家用设备Household AppliancesPart 3 Shopping逛街购物Unit 36  招呼顾客GreetingUnit 37  出示样品Showing the SampleUnit 38  劝购Persuading the CustomerUnit 39  导购Helping the CustomerUnit 40  颜色ColorUnit 41  质地QualityUnit 42  样式StyleUnit 43  讨价还价BargainUnit 44  缺货Short StorageUnit 45  购买PurchasingUnit 46  结账PaymentUnit 47  国外购物Shopping AbroadUnit 48  退换Changing and RefundingUnit 49 售后服务After-ales ServiceUnit 50  网络购物Shopping on the InternetUnit 51  鞋ShoesUnit 52  首饰及珠宝Buying Accessories and JewelryUnit 53  买化妆品Buying CosmeticsUnit 54  书籍和有声产品Books and Audio ProductsUnit 55  电子产品Electronic ProductsUnit 56  装饰品和家中用品Decorations & HouseholdItemsUnit 57  玩具和纪念品Toys & SouvenirsUnit 58  工艺品ArtwareUnit 59  古董CuriousitiesUnit 60  文具StationeriesUnit 61  体育用品The Sporting GoodsUnit 62  音乐器材The Musical InstrumentsUnit 63  办公设备The Office EquipmentPart 4 Travelling外出旅行Unit 64  机场票务服务Airline Ticket ServiceUnit 65  机场问讯服务Information ServiceUnit 66  机场行李服务Baggage ServiceUnit 67  机场检查服务Security ChecksUnit 68  登机BoardingUnit 69  空中乘务服务In?鄄flight ServiceUnit 70  机场海关The Customs at the AirportUnit 71  在列车上At the TrainUnit 72  乘公共汽车Taking a BusUnit 73  搭乘出租车Taking a TaxiUnit 74  乘地铁Taking a SubwayUnit 75  问路Asking the WayUnit 76  晕车CarsickUnit 77  预订房间Room ReservationUnit 78  酒店设施The FacilitiesUnit 79  提送行李Baggage ServiceUnit 80  提供资讯Giving InformationUnit 81  投诉服务Complaining about ServiceUnit 82  存放行李Depositing LuggageUnit 83  失物招领Lost and FoundUnit 84  送餐服务Meals ServiceUnit 85  唤醒服务Wake-up CallUnit 86  电话服务Phone ServiceUnit 87  退房Check-outUnit 88  到达景点Arriving at the Scenic SpotUnit 89  售票Selling TicketsUnit 90  景点讲解DescriptionUnit 91  风景文化Sights and CultureUnit 92  拍照Taking PicturesUnit 93  环境保护Keeping the Environment CleanUnit 94  蜜月旅行Going Honey?鄄moonUnit 95  游颐和园Visiting the Summer PalaceUnit 96  欧洲之旅A Trip in EuropeUnit 97  澳洲之行A Trip in AustraliaUnit 98  返程Returning HomePart 5 Sports and Body-Building运动健身Unit 99在健身房At the GymUnit 100  户外锻炼Doing ExerciseUnit 101  游泳SwimmingUnit 102  滑雪SkiingUnit 103  滑冰SkatingUnit 104  篮球BasketballUnit 105  高尔夫GolfUnit 106  排球VolleyballUnit 107  羽毛球BadmintonUnit 108  乒乓球Table TennisUnit 109  棒球BaseballUnit 110  网球TennisUnit 111  健身舞蹈DancingUnit 112  瑜珈YogaUnit 113  爬山ClimbingPart 6 Society社会广角Unit 114  开户Opening an AccountUnit 115  存款Depositing MoneyUnit 116  取款WithdrawalUnit 117  外币兑换Foreign ExchangeUnit 118  信用卡Credit CardsUnit 119  贷款LoanUnit 120  网上银行E?鄄bankUnit 121  寄信Sending a LetterUnit 122  寄包裹Sending ParcelsUnit 123  出售邮票Selling StampsUnit 124  领取包裹Claiming a ParcelUnit 125  兑现汇款单Cashing the Money OrderUnit 126  健康状况HealthUnit 127  生病Being IllUnit 128  检查诊断Examining and DiagnosingUnit 129  住院HospitalizationUnit 130  看望病人Visiting the PatientUnit 131  出院Discharging……Part 7 Entertainment休闲娱乐Part 8 Communication社交辞令


  Your living room is very bright.  Linda likes a spacious living room.  Where did you buy the light?  The curtains are very beautiful.  There are alwavs fresh flowers in her livinq room.  A: Susan, where to place the TV set?  B: On the cupboard near the window.  A: OK.  B: Help me put the sofa on the opposite side of the rv set.  A: Wait a minute.  B: Nice. Lets place the stereo near the TV set and the armchair in the left corner.  A: Where to put on the picture?  B: In the middle of the wall behind the sofa.  A: All right.  (Lily is touring Jessicas living room. )  Lily: Its so great to be here! Im so excited to help you with your new home!  Jessica: Were glad that youre here. Would you like a tour of the house?  Lily: OK, Id love to.  Jessica: What do you think about our living room?  Lily: Well, I do like the mantelpiece and the coffee table, but I dont really care for curtains. Did you get them at a yard sale? They look ancient.  Jessica: My parents gave them to us as a house warming gift.  Lily: Oh dear. Well, I can help with the chores while Im here. You two could probably use my help.  Jessica: Thats very nice of you to offer.


  摇晃杯中的鸡尾酒,轻松应对各种生活情景  品味酒中的甘甜和生活中的真实感觉!  《时尚生活英语口语(附光盘)》以生活中的真实场景为例,全方位的为您展现生活中的各种口语情景!  时尚生活英语,真实场景与口语学习的成功组合!  《时尚生活英语口语》包含时尚生活的方方面面,共有100多个话题,分为饮食文化、房屋居住等8章。以与外国友人进行交流为出发点,每个话题都包含精心编写的两组对话。为?方便初级、中级英语水平的学习者使用,对话侧面附有“新词释放”,以消除阅读障碍,提高英语水平。读者可以先根据话题,自己试着说一说。然后再参照《时尚生活英语口语(附光盘)》的对话,记住生词和新的表达。最后,通读对话,还可以找同学分角色朗读,使学习的过程更有乐趣,而且还可以达到与外国友人愉快交流的目的。  《时尚生活英语口语(附光盘)》以简单的语言、流畅的表达、真实的场景把你带入一个纯英语的生活环境,并且让你感受到学习英语口语并不难!无论是休闲娱乐还是与人交际,让你感受到英语口语的真正魅力。



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