出版时间:2010-11 出版社:大连理工大学出版社 作者:王绍强 页数:232 字数:15
We would like to thank everyone involved in the production of this book, especially all the artists,designers, architects and photographers for their kind permission to publish their works. We are also very grateful to many other people whose names do not appear on the credits but who provided assistance and support. We highly appreciate the contribution of images, ideas, and concepts and thank them for allowing their creativity to he shared with readers around the world.
Ecologic Bridge for BirdsImpression of InfinityMade in ChinaChair GardenNew BreedMe in WonderlandNike Barcelona,2008The Traffic of CloudsThe HarchInformation iS IncidentalRip and PullTrick Shot3G-Extension Gallery ChicagoThe Crumple ZoneMetroDisorderRemember TomorrowComfort #4 (Annemasse)Seasons through the Looking GlassCardboard CloudSpanish LightDesign Tide 09Tape Installation in the Gallery of HDDTape Installation at the Vienna DesignTape Installation at Quer/OdeonElastic DiamondGYREINRUSHTechnicolor BloompALICETable ClothReefGreen VoidEntry ParadiseYxso Nissan PavilionDigital ConfettiComfort #3Comfort #3 (Barcelona)Trade Fair Stand for UBOOTChamber Music HallWhiteOutBranching HyparFeathered EdgeEndless Ocean Endless SkyMerry-go-round Coat RackBuilt to WearConstructDigital OrigamiCHROMAesthesiaeSHIZUKUP_Wal1 2006Flow 5.030,000 Plastic Bags, I6 VentilaTornadoCorn CraftGhostingAudienceFlutterBeaconFlood (light)Night WatchSurrender before a Possible MadridHanging Clothes in the Inhabited CityA Cloud of Bags Visits the PradoShips Traveling to the SeaField of LightLiterature Versus TrafficCD SeaLightMedular PavilionCardboard SkyFast ArchitectureElastic Plastic SpongeQui est "In," Qui est "Out?"INDEXACKNOWLEDGEMENTS