出版时间:2011-3 出版社:大连理工大学出版社 作者:刘燕波,赵茜,王文君 主编 页数:80
Whenever traveling on Shanghai Airlines (SAL) flights with paid tickets, you will earn air mi-les according to the class shown on your tickets. When you have accumulated enough air miles, youcan apply for a premium (奖励) ticket or other premium items. Passengers (12 years old and over ) are eligible (合格的) to join SAL FFP( Frequent FlyingPassenger) Club unless it is banned (禁止) by the law of the country where they live. Please fill out the application form on the back and mail it to the Customer Service Center ofSAL. SAL Customer Service Center will mail the membership card and manual to you within 30 work-ing days after receiving your Application Form. Please show your membership card when you check in at an airport. Please retain a photocopy of the ticket, the original boarding pass as well as a photocopy of yourreceipts after traveling or making purchases at SAL partner businesses until you confirm the recordhas been charged to your account. If you flew SAL 3 months before your registration of SAL FFP Club, please mail to SAL Custom-er Service Center a copy of your ticket and the original boarding pass with your card number on it forrecording air miles.……