(高职高专)点击职业英语 职业英语模块 旅游英语1 教师频道

出版时间:2009-3  出版社:大连理工大学出版社  作者:(美)伍德 原著,刘黛琳,牛健 改编  


《旅游英语》是专门面向高职高专旅游专业方向的英语教材,隶属于《点击职业英语》公共英语系列教材中的职业英语模块,体现英语在旅游行业中的定向应用,旨在培养学习者在从事涉外旅游工作中所需具备的英语语言技能及其职业素质的培养,学、习时象为高职高专院校旅游专业的学生及具有同等需求的自学者。学习者在学习《旅游英语》之前,应先学习《点击职业英语》基础英语模块,这样可以取得最佳学习效果,因为基础英语模块是职业英语模块的基础。  《旅游英语》由两个级别组成,每级包括《学生频道》与《教师频道》。《学生频道》附有配套光盘。  《学生频道》是供学习者使用的教材,每级包括16个单元,每个单元的结构为:FirstSteps,Listening Strategies, Language Workout, Sound Workout, Politeness Strategies, Team Work,Final Steps, When Cultures Meet o关于每一部分的设计思想及目的和作用,请参见To the Student中的说明。    《教师频道》是供教师使用的参考书,它对如何组织每个单元的每一项教学活动都提出了具体建议,同时还设计了一些相关的扩展活动。另外,练习答案与听力录音文本也放在了《教师频道》中,以方便教师有效地组织教学。




Unit 1 May I have your name, please?Unit 2 I get to travel a lotUnit 3 It's on the third floorUnit 4 We're open from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.Unit 5 We're fully booked on MondayUnit 6 I'll repeat your reservationUnit 7 Are you checking in?Unit 8 I'll transfer your callUnit 9 We'll be stopping for lunch at 12:00Unit 10 What can I get for you?Unit 11 I'll send someone to check it.Unit 12 May I take a message?Unit 13 I'll show you on the mapUnit 14 How much would you like to change?Unit 15 The service is includedUnit 16 It's been a pleasureWorksheets for Unit 1-Unit 16


插图:First Steps1. Close books. Have students list items they might find on a menu. For example: name of restaurant, differentcategories of food, price list, instructions about taxes, etc. Write their ideas on the board or have students note them on paper.2. Open books. Have students look at the menu and discuss with a partner where they would find this type of menu Check that they understand the vocabulary. For example: platter, vegetarian, wings, wild, sirloin steak, etc.Answer: hotel3. Have students look at different parts of the menu listed in the shaded box.Read items aloud and have students listen and repeat. Check for understanding.4. Ask students to write the category names in the correct places on the menu.Answers: See page 44.5. Ask students which items require the server to ask for additional information, and what type of information that isAnswers: garden salad (dressing); steak/hamburger/cheeseburger (how to be cooked)Have students name any extra information or items they might find on this type of menu.





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