出版时间:2008-11 出版社:大连理工大学出版社 作者:陈宝珠 主编 页数:318
第一章 国际贸易概述
第二章 商品品名、质量、数量及包装
第一节 商品品名
第二节 商品品质
第三节 商品数量
第四节 商品包装
第三章 价格术语
第一节 价格条款的构成
第二节 Incoterms2000简介
第三节 Incoterms2000的13个贸易术语
第四节 佣金与折扣
第四章 国际支付
第一节 可转让票据
第二节 汇款
第三节 支付方式
第五章 国际货物运输
第一节 运输方式
第二节 海洋运输
第三节 集装箱运输
第六章 海运货物保险
第一节 有关保险的基本概念
第二节 海上风险与损失
第三节 中国海运货物保险条款
第四节 进出口保险实务
第七章 商品的检验、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁
第一节 商品的检验
第二节 索赔
第三节 不可抗力
第四节 仲裁
第八章 进出口实务
第一节 进出口程序
第二节 单证
(1)Sale by actual quality “Sale by actual quality”is a term referring to the situation in which the seller demonstrates to the buyer where the commodities for sale are stocked. The buyer or the agent of the buyer will inspect the commodities on the spot. If the buyer is satisfied with the goods after the on-the-spot inspection, the sales contract will be signed and the deal concluded. With this method, the quality of the commodity is determined according to the on-the-spot inspection. In international trade, the method is used when the seller does not have a big stock of the product and the buyer can examine them on the spot. Thus, it is usually merely applied to precious goods such as jewelry, arts and crafts (i. e. ivory carving, jade carving, etc.). But as discussed before, the parties are usually located in different countries or regions, thus correspondence and telecommunications are often used during practical negotiation. Even if commodities are in stock, on-the-spot examination is not always convenient. Instead of the buyer, agents are often the people who do the inspection, and may not include all the commodities. Given the limits, the method is not comprehensively adopted. It is often employed in consignment, auction~ and exhibition. (2)Sale by sample During the negotiation, a tiny amount of commodities which represents the quality of the whole lot are chosen and provided by either the seller or the buyer for confirmation. Once confirmed, the quality of the sample is constructed as the basis of the quality of the commodity for trade. This method is called sale by sample. It is often used when it is hard to precisely express and explain the quality of the commodity with words or when it is a practice in the circulation of the sort of commodity. A sample is a product, often taken out from a whole of consignment or specially designed and produced, though in a tiny amount, represents standard features of the quality of the whole lot. And the sample used is called standard sample. When sale by sample is adopted, generally it should be stipulated clearly in the contract such as said sample shall be treated as an integral part of this contract. The quality of the goods delivered shall not be lower or higher than the sample.