出版时间:2009-7 出版社:大连理工大学出版社 作者:王新 主编 页数:330 字数:649000
本题集具有以下特色: 一、涵盖历年真题。时效性强 本题集包括两部分: (1)6套最新真题:2008.12~2006.6。目的是让考生了解710分真实的考题是什么样,同时考生可按照真题的答题要求训练自己的做题速度以积累临场应试经验。 (2)4套整合真题:2005.12~2004.6。主要为考生提供最逼真的预测资料,因为,真题的难易度是最标准的。编者主要做了如下科学的整合:①保留了原真题中与710分新题型一致的部分;②根据最新考试大纲的要求及命题规律替换掉与710分新题型不一致的地方,最终达到两者的完美结合,这样便可以以最标准的难度让您领略临场预测之感受! 二、答案讲解详尽,准确性强 本题集答案讲解部分设计新颖,力求详尽准确、清晰透彻,如写作部分不仅给出范文,同时还对范文做出点评,以期考生通过阅读范文及点评掌握不同作文题材的写作要领。再如听力部分把听力原文与答案讲解融合在一起,并把题眼处用浪线标出,使解题关键一目了然。此外,本书所有试题讲解全部采用英汉对译形式以减轻考生查字典翻译译文的负担。 三、编写阵容强大,可信性强 本书是由多年从事大学英语教学、一直潜心大学英语四级考试研究的高校教师们精心编写而成。他们当中有多人曾亲自参加过全国大学英语四级考试的阅卷工作,并被评为优秀阅卷员,因此,本书无论从试题的选择还是答案的讲解都具有极高的可信度。
最新热点作文预测26篇2009年6月大学英语四级考试试题2008年12月大学英语四级考试试题2008年6月大学英语四级考试试题2007年12月大学英语四级考试试题2007年6月大学英语四级考试试题2006年12月大学英语四级考试试题2006年6月大学英语四级考试试题Model Test OneModel Test TwoModel Test Three
Childless families may be increasingly the result of deliberate choice and the availabilityof birth control. For many years, the proportion of couples that were childless declinedsteadily as venereal and other diseases that cause infertility were conquered. In the 1970s,however, the changes in the status of women reversed this trend. Couples often elect to haveno children or to postpone having them until their careers are well established. Since the 1960s, several variations on the family unit have emerged. More unmarriedcouples are living together, before or instead of marrying. Some elderly couples, most oftenwidowed, are finding it more economically practical to cohabit without marrying. All industrial nations are experiencing family trends similar to those found in the UnitedStates. The problem of unwed mothers——especially very young ones and those who areunable to support themselves——and their children is an international one, although improvedmethods of birth control and legalized abortion have slowed the trend somewhat. Divorce isincreasing even where religious and legal impediments to it are strongest. Unchecked population growth in developing nations threatens the family system. Thenumber of surviving children in a family has rapidly increased as infectious diseases, famine,and other causes of child mortality have been reduced. Because families often cannot supportso many children, the reduction in infant mortality has posed a challenge to the nuclearfamily and to the resources of developing nations.