
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:大连理工大学出版社  


Unit 1 IntroductiOn tO Electronic Commerce  Vocabulary   Phrases  Abbreviations    Notes to the Passage  Exercises    Passage for Reading  参考译文Unit 2 Revenue Models of E——Commerce  Vocabulary   Phrases  Abbreviations    Notes to the Passage  Exercises    Passage for Reading  参考译文Unit 3 Web Site Presence of the Electronic Commerce  Vocabulary   Phrases  Abbreviations    Notes to the Passage  Exercises    Passage for Reading  参考译文Unit 4 Payment of Electronic Commerce  Vocabulary   Phrases  Abbreviations    Notes to the Passage  Exercises    Passage for Reading  参考译文Unit 5 Security Issues of Electronic Commerce  Vocabulary   Phrases  Abbreviations    Notes to the Passage  Exercises    Passage for Reading  参考译文Unit 6 Customer Relationship Management  Vocabulary   Phrases  Abbreviations    Notes to the Passage  Exercises    Passage for Reading  参考译文Unit 7 Supply Chain Management  Vocabulary   Phrases  Abbreviations    Notes to the Passage  Exercises    Passage for Reading  参考译文Unit 8 Online Marketing  Vocabulary   Phrases  Abbreviations    Notes to the Passage  Exercises    Passage for Reading  参考译文Unit 9 Online Auctions and Virtual Communities  Vocabulary   Phrases  Abbreviations    Notes to the Passage  Exercises    Passage for Reading  参考译文Unit 10 Planning and Managing for Electronic Commerce  Vocabulary   Phrases  Abbreviations    Notes to the Passage  Exercises    Passage for Reading  参考译文参考文献





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