
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:大连理工大  作者:严智雄  页数:168  字数:1007000  


《世纪英语——读写教程Ⅳ》共分十二个单元。除第六单元和第十二单元属于阶段性复习单元外,各单元包括如下模块:  1.开篇图片 每单元有数幅描绘本单元主要话题规场景或语言材料的图片。可以让学生通过对图片的预览设想将要谈及的内容,调动学生学习的主观能动性。  2.课文及训练 每单元设计了两篇选材新颖、实用性强的课文:Passage为阅读课文,由学生在课内快速完成;Text为精讲课文,由教师课堂讲授。在随后的练习中,学生可以根据课文的相关内容的积极参与,加深对课文的理解。  3.语法学习 帮助学生学习语法,繁简适度,便于学生打好英语语言基础,在交际表达时更自信。  4.写作训练 给出范文,强化应用文体的写作训练,使学生通过训练举一反三,掌握应用文体的写作规范。  5.补充阅读 篇幅短小的补充阅读材料,有助于拓展学生的知识面,强化学生的阅读理解能力。  6.轻松一刻 寓意深刻的英语小幽默及实用小品知识,会让学生在开心一笑的同时增加对英语语言的魅力。


Unit1  Topic Airline and Airport Passage Airline Service Text Baggage and Customs Inspection  Grammar Infinitive  Writing ResumeUnit2  Topic Hotels   Passage Hotel Categories Text What do Hotels Sell Grammar Gerund  Writing Letter of RecommendationUnit3 Topic Cuisine  Passage World Cuisine Text American Cuisine Grammar Participle (2) Writing MemorandumUnit4 Topic Western Holidays Passage St. Valentine’s day Text April Fool's Day Grammar Participle(2) Writing SummaryUnit5 Topic Chinese Arts and Crafts Passage Jade and Wood Carvings Text  Chinese Paintings Verbs Grammar Verbs Collocated with Infinitive, gerund or Present Participle Writing FaxUnit6 Topic Test1 Passage  Text   Grammar  Writing  Unit7 Topic Friends and Friendship Passage Friends and Friendship Text My Most Unforgettable Friend Grammar Subjunctive Mood (1) Writing PosterUnit8 Topic Our Colorful World  Passage Color and Life Text Color and E-Commerce Grammar Subjunctive Mood (2) Writing AdvertisementUnit9 Topic Attitudes toward Life  Passage Success Personality Text Something Worth thinking about Grammar Subjunctive Mood (3) Writing InstructionsUnit10 Topic Positive Use of the Internet Passage the Face Behind the Screen Text Online Games Trap Students Grammar IT-Patterns Writing General Information or IntroductionUnit11 Topic Working Attitude Passage The Happiness and Unhappiness of Work Text How to Land the Job You Want Grammar Subject-Verb Concord Writing ContractUnit12 Topic Test2 Passage  Text   Grammar  Writing Unit13 Topic Glossary Passage  Text   Grammar  Writing



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