出版时间:2004-9 出版社:大连理工大学出版社 作者:刘杰英 主编 页数:78 字数:130000
《世纪商务英语——口语教程》(第三版)是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,也是新世纪高职高专教材编委会组编的商务英语类课程规划教材之一。这是一套由高职高专商务英语教学一线的优秀骨干教师为主体编写的高职高专商务英语口语教材,旨在最大限度地适应高职高专学生英语基础与培养目标的要求,努力缩小高职高专商务英语教材与商务英语教学中存在的差距。 为了进一步将高职高专英语课程倡导的“学一点,会一点;会一点。用一点”的教学指导思想贯彻到教材编写中,实现“实用为主,够用为度”的教学目标,突出学生的主体作用,调动学生的学习兴趣,循序渐进地培养学生的英语交际能力,我们对这套教材进行了修订,删除了陈旧话题,重新选材,梳理章节内容。 与第二版相比,在保留原有特色的基础上,修订版教材具有以下特点: 1.思路创新 本系列教程的一、二册独立成册,三、四册以一家出口公司要打开国外新市场为主线,从市场调研开始到参加展销会、接洽客户,经过各项交易环节最后达成交易,同时还涉及了一些相关的后续服务内容。内容连贯、完整,各单元的情景对话紧扣主题,语言简单、明了、地道,以任务型教学为指导,练习与课文联系密切,围绕课文中的关键词、句进行训练,具有较强的实用性和针对性 2.内容时尚 话题包括日常生活片段、学生从入学到毕业求职的整个成长过程,以及各种交际场合和各种商务活动;商务内容涵盖营销策略、企业文化、市场竞争、风险投资、客户服务等各个方面。话题力求时尚,加入跨文化元素,且有助于学生做好初到职场的知识技能上的铺垫和心理上的准备,充分体现实用、够用的原则。 3.模块新颖 本系列教程打破了传统的思维定式,参照国外同类英语教材,按照“图片导入一情景对话—任务驱动—强化训练”的顺序构建教材的框架体系。这种“表达优先”的创新设计,易于调动学生的学习兴趣,激发学生的自主表达愿望。 4.层次分明。梯度明显 《世纪商务英语——口语教程》(第三版)从第一册到第四册有梯度、有层次,在难度上不断提高,同样在每一课中也体现出层次的要求,力求使学生学完本系列教程后可以用英语进行商务交流。 5.可操作性强 练习多样、选材真实、指示简单明确,具有可操作性。练习环环相扣、逐层递进、由浅入深、抓住关键、反复操练,有利于学生在接近真实的轻松语言环境中,不知不觉地脱口而出,表达自己的思想感情,完成交际目的。
Unit 1 Market Research and AnalysisUnit 2 Sales PromotionUnit 3 Trade FairUnit 4 Brand PowerUnit 5 Corporation IntroductionUnit 6 InvitationUnit 7 Visiting a PlantUnit 8 Making an InquiryUnit 9 Offer and Counter-offerUnit 10 Commission
As the volume of export orders grows, the exporter mayfind it difficult to maintain direct long-term relationships withmarkets personally. It becomes essential for the exporter to use asales agent to act as a sales "ambassador" to establish anddevelop market contacts and build up a client base with healthcustomer relations. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of sales agents: theCommission Agents and the Distributors, both have their ownmerits and demerits. Commission Agent: A commission agent is essentially a person appointed by the exporter to maintain adirect relationship with customer. The commission agent does not buy and sell the goodsbut merely locates business opportunities for the exporter and negotiates and concludesdeals on behalf of the exporter. Working on a fixed salary or commission, the commissionagent normally carries no inventory or credit risk. Distributor: A distributor, usually a wholesaler or a local importer, buys goods outright from theexporter and then sells them to the customer at a profit. The distributor usually representsthe interest of the exporter in a specified territory or region for an agreed range ofproducts. The distributor holds, stock and looks after local publicity and sales promotion.With a distributor, a more direct and deeper market penetration can be achieved, and, ifthe distributor is well-known, this choice of sales agent can be an effective way of securinga quick entry for the product in the local market.