
出版时间:2006-7  出版社:大连理工大  作者:张凤生  页数:176  字数:257000  


  本教材具有如下特点:  1.面向广大高职高专学生,以能力培养为本位,以训练为手段。每个单元分为几个训练模块,如句子主干训练、意群训练、不回视训练等。每个训练模块训练目标明确,将普通英语中的阅读方法贯穿于专业英语的教学申,有针对性地加以训练,使读者切实地掌握科技英语的阅读技巧,提高科技英语的阅读能力。  2.本教材取材新颖,难度适中,多数选材来源于英文网站和英文资料的原版文章,力求包含计算机专业的基本专业词汇和最新专业知识。  3.文中生词的注释不像以往放在文章结束的地方,而是标在正文的一侧,以便读者查阅。  4.每个单元的结尾还增加了构词法,帮助读者掌握最常用的构词法,使读者能够通过一词掌握多词,迅速扩充词汇量。  5.书后附有缩略词表,方便读者查阅。  本教材内容共分8个单元,分别为:计算机发展简史,硬件,软件,互联网,多媒体技术,网络技术,数据库,IT职业资格认证。


导读Unit One A Short History of the Computer Passage One The Introduction of ENIAC Passage Two The Modem Stored Program EDC Passage Three The Advancement of the Computer Reading Computer Ongoing Unit exercise Word buildingUnit Two Hardware Passage One A Short Introduction Passage Two How Does A Computer Work? Passage Three Storage Devices Reading Input And Output Device Unit exercise Word buildingUnit Three Software Passage One Application Software Passage Two System Software Passage Three The Software Development Process Reading Getting Down to Business Unit exercise Word buildingUnit Four Internet Passage One A Short Introduction Passage Two Intemet Service Function Passage Three Website Design Reading E-Comnerce Unit exercise Word buildingUnit Five Multimedia Passage One Multimedia Devices Passage Two Multimedia Conception Passage Three Multimedia Application Reading Flash Unit exercise Word buildingUnit Six Network Passage One Foundation of Network Passage Two Networking Hardware and Topology Passage Three Network Transmission Media Reading TCP/IP Protocol Unit exercise Word buildingUnit Seven Database Passage One Foundation of Database Passage Two Relational Database and Structured Query Language Passage Three Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reading SQL Server 2000 Security Tools Unit exewise Word buildingUnit Eight IT CAREER CERTIFICATION Passage One Microsoft Certifications Passage Two MCSE on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Certification Requirements Passage Three MCDBA on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Certification Reading Cisco Career Certifications and Paths参考答案附录 缩略词表



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