出版时间:2013-3 出版社:华中科技大学出版社 作者:黄滢、马勇
传统新古典 现代巴洛克 究极新古典 艺术至高境界 精雕新古典,低调奢华风 黑白灰的华彩演绎,极尽优雅尊贵 新古典层峰 坐拥辉煌国度 精工美学,筑就传世府邸 樱舞烂漫 梦幻古典御宅 英式古典 细致优雅 馥曼优雅,法式古典殿堂 安琪尔的梦幻城堡 欧洲经典,贵族格调 瑰美殿堂,穿越浮生若梦 雍荣华府,世袭尊贵 法式浪漫,精巧秀丽 清新甜美,温情脉脉 精雕细琢,英伦华彩 怀想巴黎,女设计师的浪漫情结 浓情意大利,贵族新风尚 简于形,奢于内,尊享艺术飨宴 舒雅怡人的生活沙龙 创意新古典 蝶儿翩翩舞过浪漫梦境 低调高雅,黑色诱惑 粗犷圆木,搭建爱的港湾 原木,原乡,原生态 倾世蓝宝石,绝艳维多利亚 田园美境,法式乡村 倾心自然,舒适回归 洗净铅华的优雅 舒适典雅的贵气 再现英伦精致品味生活 中西合璧,混搭创新 英式下午茶 和弦悠扬 华典悦章 一个空间,两种表情 跨入新式奢华疆界 TRADITIONAL NEO CLASSICAL Modern Baroque Highest-Ranking Classic Neo-Classical, Reserved and Luxurious Distinguished Interpretation of Black White and Grey Excellent Classic A Mansion by Aesthetics Mythical Artistry British Classical Delicate French Classical Palace Angels' Castle The Classic European, the Style Noble Magnificent Hall, Traversing Life Like a Dream Be Noble and Glorious and to Be French Romantic, Delicate and Beautiful Fresh, Sweet, Sentimental British Resplendence by Great Care The Complex of a Female Designer: A Paris Dream An Italian Flavor, A New Aristocratic Trend Internal Simplicity, External Extravagance Salon for Daily Comfort CREATIVE NEO CLASSICAL Butterflies Dance Elegance Restrained Temptation Black Love Harbor with Logs Crud Wood, Native Land and the Original Ecology Wondrous Sapphire, Amazing Victoria The Pastoral of French Countryside Passion for Nature, Comfort to Return Elegance to Be Natural Comfortable, Elegant and Luxurious Reappearance of the Exquisite British Life Innovation by the East and the West Afternoon Tea Chords Melodious Huadianyuezhang One Space, Two Expressions Luxurious Feeling
版权页: 插图: 田园美境,法式乡村The Pastoral of French Countryside 设计公司:达特思室内设计(北京)有限公司 设计师:翁伟锴 面积:360㎡ 主要建材:天然大理石、仿古瓷砖、混油木饰面、拼花米地板 Design Company: Details Design Consultants Designer: Weng Weikai Area: 360 m2 Materials: Natural Marble, Antique Tile, Wood Veneer, Parquet 对本样板间业主的要求是要结合建筑的整体风格以及突出度假休闲为旨的特点,在反复的探讨过后,本案最终以法式乡村风格为主题。 该样板间在设计上还结合了法国南部与西班牙室内色彩的鲜明材质,用明快的色彩营造空间的流畅感,曲线的运用使整体感觉非常优雅、尊贵而内敛。蓝天白云,鸟语花香,普罗旺斯的乡村之美,在法式乡村中完美呈现,配色上的大胆鲜艳便是一大特征。本案中,浅绿色、黄色、奶白色、蓝色等活泼的色彩搭配,反映了乡村丰沃、富足的大地景象。草绿色的墙壁从客厅餐厅一直往上延伸到二、三楼的走道楼梯空间,家庭厅使用了绿底色的碎花和条纹壁纸,而女孩房则毫不犹豫地缀满了柔美的花卉图案。 而乡村天然粗犷的特点,则用来强调空间顺序的完整性和连续性。通过门廊、门厅、客厅、餐厅、庭院等一系列空间的有机组织和合理安排,表现出一种休闲雅致的礼仪感和价值感。以各个空间的相对独立与秩序感为特色,各主要功能空间规划合理的布局和尺度,避免空间的大而不当。同时通过设计处理,增加空间的通透性,更强化了室内的整体功能格局。 The sample house is aimed to combine the building's overall style to set off characteristics of vacation and leisure, and the adoption of French country style is the result of a reduplicative communication. The material colors popular in the interior design preferred by France South and Spain shape the fluidity of space, while the use of the curve boasts the overall feeling of eleganre, nobleness and restraint . Out of the space, comes an image of a Provence village where the sky is blue, the clouds are white, the birds are singing and the flowers smell fragrant. Patches of light green, yellow, milky white, blue, etc. reflect a land that’s rural, fertile, and rich in sources. The grass green spreads on walls from the living and the dining rooms, to the stair aisle that links the 2nd and the 3rd floors. The family room is decorated with green floral and striped wallpaper, and the room for the daughter is shifted into a flower world. Rural characteristics exclusive to country are used to emphasize the integrity and continuity of the sequence space. With an organic and reasonable arrangement of the porch, the foyer, the living room, the courtyard and a series of spaces, a casual and elegant sense of etiquette and value is thus made. While relatively independent, each space is endowed with an appropriate layout and scale to avoid a space large but irrelevant. And at the same time, the increase of spatial permeability strengthens the overall function of the interior pattern.