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Information processing should be included in the work which produces the information. In other words,there shouldn't be a distinction between information processing and information gathering. Thedevelopment of online databases can be crucial here, allowing users to have access to real time information,thus minimising delays in response to queries. Geographically-dispersed resources should be treated as if they are centralised - For example, thereshould be a ntralised database of suppliers which all departments use, so that they benefit from the economies of scale achieved by the central negotiation of supply contracts. Parallel activities should be linked rather than integrated - As far as possible, activities should be processed in parallel rather than sequentially. If tasks are performed sequentially, bottlenecks and delays might arise while waiting for the output of a previous process. People should be self-managing and exercise greater autonomy over their work - The traditional distinction between workers and managers should be abolished. BPR aims to allow decisions to be made as quickly as possible and as near to the end customer as possible. This allows increased responsiveness, and also empowers the individuals who make the decisions. Information should be captured once, and at source - If information is transferred from one data source to another there is a risk of human error. If information is only input into a system once, and is input as early as possible, the risk of error is reduced, and consistent replies can be obtained in response for any queries about the information. Expected improvements More rapid information processing and error reduction - It appears that the processes at FCI haven't been updated to take advantage of the IT / IS systems that are widely available today. In particular, relying on a predominantly paper-based system makes FCI's processes much slower than they need to be, and it also increases the opportunity for error as information is manually recorded and then transferred between systems. A new database-led system would prevent the need for re-keying and transferring information, and so should reduce the scope for errors in the system. This system will also mean that FCI has reliable, up-to-date information about its customers. Any details the sales staff or telephone operators obtain about a customer can be entered into the central database on a real time basis, and the system can then be continually updated for other staff to use. Moreover, no paper-based transfers of information from one part of the organisation to another will be necessary. Again, this reduces delays and reduces the risk of errors occurring. Improved database system - If FCI develops an electronic database which stores all customer data, this should enable staff to respond to telephone enquiries more quickly. For example, if a phone operator receives a call, they can access the database and gather the relevant information to help them deal with the customer enquiry straight away. This faster response time should lead to improved customer satisfaction. Better support for sales staff - Having an electronic (or online) database and improved technology should also help the sales staff when they visit potential customers. If the sales staff can access the database remotely (from laptops) they can get details of policies and premiums while they are with the customer, and so could potentially make a decision about a policy application straight away without having to return to the office to check details or process paperwork. Customers have complained about the slowness of FCI's current process, so speeding .up the process should directly address these complaints.Increased staff motivation - Not only have customers complained about the current sales process, but FCI's sales staff have also complained about them. Staff motivation and job satisfaction are likely to suffer if the staff teel they are having to work with out-dated processes and technology. Therefore, providing the sales staff with more up-to-date technology will not only allow them to do their job more effectively but it should also improve their motivation to do so. Moreover, customers are likely to have a more favourable impression of the sales staff if they provide a quick and efficient service. If this, in turn, leads to the sales staff making more sales it is likely to increase their otivation still further. ……