
出版时间:2011-5  出版社:华中科技大学出版社  作者:高元暹  页数:146  






Unit One
Fast Reading: Alzheimer's Disease
Intensive Reading: Acute Inflammation
Extensive Reading: Chronic Inflammation
Unit Two
Fast Reading: Beta-Endorphin
Intensive Reading: Myocarditis and Pericarditis
Extensive Reading: Endocarditis
Unit Three
Fast Reading: The Primary Cause of Aging
Intensive Reading: Effects of Embolism
Extensive Reading: Decompression Sickness
Unit Four
Fast Reading: Scurvy
Intensive Reading: Infarction
Extensive Reading: Infarcts of the Lung, Spleen, Kidney and
Unit Five
Fast Reading: A Cancer-Fighting Protein
Intensive Reading: Essential Hypertension
Extensive Reading: Systemic Hypertension
Unit Six
Fast Reading: Two Overlooked Senses
Intensive Reading: Gastric Ulcer
Extensive Reading: History of Acute Abdomen
Unit Seven
Fast Reading: Hormones
Intensive Reading: Chronic Active Hepatitis
Extensive Reading: Hepatic Trauma
Unit Eight .
Fast Reading: The Links between Dietary Patterns and Cancer
Intensive Reading: The Origin of Tumours
Extensive Reading: Characteristics of Tumor Tissues and Cells
Unit Nine
Fast Reading: Chronic Migraine
Intensive Reading: Complications of Diabetes MeUitus
Extensive Reading: Management of Diabetes Mellitus
Unit Ten
Fast Reading: The Common Cold
Intensive Reading: Organ Transplantation
Extensive Reading: Combined Heart-Lung Transplantation,
Pancreatic and Lung Transplantation
Appendix 1 Keys to Fast Reading and Intensive Reading
Unit One
Unit Two
Unit Three
Unit Four
Unit Five
Unit Six
Unit Seven
Unit Eight
Unit Nine
Unit Ten
Appendix 2 Prefixes and Suffixes of Medical Terms



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用户评论 (总计5条)


  •   买了这个和词汇,如果缺什么的话自己再补吧
  •   好好学阴雨
  •   医学英语的书普遍都偏厚,但是这一系列的书都很好,每单元两篇文章,文章后都有需掌握的单词与前后缀,只要好好把后面的单词背一下课文就还是蛮简单的~
  •   还没有开始看,希望不错!
  •   虽然这版不一定最好,但我们学校指定用这个版,只能买这个了。

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