出版时间:2010-2 出版社:华中科技大学出版社 作者:张亮平,李鹏 编著 页数:228 字数:350000
众所周知,语言与文化互相影响、互相作用。语言是文化的一部分,并对文化起着重要作用,但语言又受文化的影响,反映文化。这就要求我们,不但要学好作为交际工具使用的英语语言,掌握语音、语法、词汇,而且还要深入了解英美文化,知道使用英语的人如何看待事物,如何观察世界;了解他们如何用语言来反映社会思想、习惯和行为;要懂得他们的“心灵之语言”,即了解他们社会的文化。如果不懂一个民族的文化,就不可能真正学懂这个民族的语言,更不懂这个民族的人民。没有对英美文化的深刻了解,就没有真正意义上英语语言和英美文学的掌握,更谈不上对英美社会的真正认识。这也是我们编写《英美文化精粹》的初衷。 《英美文化精粹》分别介绍了英美两国的民族特点、历史发展、地理环境、政府制度、宗教信仰、文学概要、教育模式、风俗习惯、节日活动、种族关系及社会事件等。本书内容丰富、涉及面广,对英美文化进行了较为系统的介绍。本书主要具有以下特点。 1.结构明晰:本书采用专题的形式,对英美文化进行介绍。全书共分十二个专题,对英美文化的不同方面一一做了介绍,结构简单,清晰明了,基本涵盖了非英语人士对英美文化了解的基本需求。 2.角度新颖:本书打破了以往英美文化书籍对文化的单纯介绍,力图从跨文化交际的角度,对英美文化进行介绍。对某一文化现象不仅有一般的内容介绍,还有其背后原因的简明理论阐述,力求使读者在阅读过程中不仅“知其然,还要知其所以然”。书中许多章节的编写采用了中西文化对比的方法,以利于读者更好的比较异同,体会文化间的差异,促使读者有所思考,以加深对英美文化的理解。 3.选材新颖:本书选材兼顾传统英美文化介绍的同时,力求选取最新英美文化研究理论和成果,素材新颖。 本书不仅可以作为大学高年级学生、研究生的英美文化教材,还可以供企事业单位,特别是大型企业使用,用于培训员工,增强跨文化意识,提升跨文化交际能力。对于具有一定英语基础的英语爱好者也是一本快速了解英美文化的好书。 本书的编著主要由张亮平(Chapter3、5、6、7、8、12)、李鹏(Chapter1、2、4、9、10、11)完成,同时要感谢武汉工业学院外语系同仁的大力支持。 由于时间仓促,加之作者学术水平有限,书中难免有不足之处,还望读者及同行不吝赐教。
Chapter 1 UK & USA 1.UK 2.USA Chapter 2 The English Language 1.History of the English Language 2.Varieties of English 3.Differences Between British English and American English 4.Chinese and EnglishChapter 3 Politics 1.Great Britain 2.The United StatesChapter 4 World Views and Core Values 1.Dividedness Between Man and Nature 2.Individualism 3.Pursuit of Change 4.View of Time 5.Materialism Chapter 5 Great Events 1.The lndustrial Revolution 2.Civil Rights Movement in the United States Chapter 6 The Bible 1.A Brief Introduction tO the Bible 2.The Influence of the Bible on British Literature 3.Allusions——Adam and Eve 4.ChristianityChapter 7 Education 1.Education in the United Kingdom 2.Education in U.S. 3.TWO Famous UniversitiesChapter 8 Literature 1 British Literature 2.American Literature 3.TWO Famous Writers in U.K.and U.S.Chapter 9 Art-Music & Paintings 1.Musie 2.PaintingsChapter 10 Verbal Communication and English Culture 1.Word Meaning and Culture 2.Pragmatic Rules and Culture 3.Compliments and Responses to Compliments 4.Taboos and Euphemism 5.Communication Style and Culture Chapter 11 Non—verbal Communication and English Culture 1.Body language 2.Paralanguages 3.0bject Language 4.Environmental LanguagesChapter 12 Western Festivals and Holidays 1.Christmas 2.Halloween 3.Thanksgiving Day 4.Valentin'S DayReferences
1.1 The History of England The history of England did not begin until the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons,when the partition of Britain into several countries largely began.It was the history of Britain that began in the prehistoric during which time Stonehenge was erected.At the height of the Roman Empire,Britannia was under the rule of the Romans.Their rule lasted until about 410.at which time the Romano-British formed various independent kingdoms.The Anglo-Saxons gradually gained control of England and became the chief rulers of the land.Raids bv the Vikings were frequent after about AD 800.In 1066,the Normans invaded and conquered England.There were many civil wars and battles with other nations throughout the Middle Ages.During the Renaissance, England was ruled by the Tudors. England had conquered Wales in the 12th century and was then united with Scotland in the early 18th century to formthe Kingdom of Great Britain. Following the Industrial Revolution,Great Britain ruled a worldwide empire,of which,physically,little remains.However,its cuItural imDact is widespread and deep in many countries of the present day.1.1.1 Prehistory and Roman Britain(Britannia)Archaeological evidence indicates that what was later southern Britannia was colonized bv humans long before the rest of the British Isles because of its more hospitable cliraate between and during the various ice ages of the distant past. Julius Caesar invaded southern Britain in 55 BC and 54 BC.Until the Roman Conquest of Britain,Britain’s British population was relatively stable,and by the time of Julius Caesar,sfirst invasionthe British population of what was old Britain was speaking a Celtic language generally thought to be the forerunner of the modern Brythonic languages.After Julius Caesar abandoned Britain,it fell back into the hands of the Britons. The Romans began their second conquest of Britain in 43 AD,during the reign of Claudius.They annexed the whole of modern England and Wales orer the next fortv vears and periodically extended their control over much of lowland Scotland.1.I.2 Anglo-Saxon Conquests and the Founding of England In approximately 495,at the Battle of Mount Badon,Britons inflicted a severe defeat on aninvading Anglo-Saxon army which halted the westward Anglo-Saxon advance for some decades.Anglo-Saxon expansion resumed in the sixth century,although the chronology of its progressis unclear.One of the few individual events which emerged with any clarity before the seventhcentury is the Battle of Deorham,in 577,a West Saxon victory which led to the caDture ofCirencester,Gloucester and Bath,bringing the Anglo-Saxon advance to the Bristol Channeland dividing the Britons in the West Country from those in Wales.