出版时间:2010-2 出版社:华中科技大学出版社 作者:安小可 编 页数:162
本书共分为三个部分。第一部分为导游实务介绍,内容覆盖地陪接团准备工作、迎宾服务、送团服务、全陪导游服务、领队导游服务、景区导游服务和散客旅游服务。通过对英语导游工作主要流程的介绍,便于读者了解和掌握相关导游业务知识、技能和方法,清楚工作职责范围、规范行为举止。第二部分为旅游业务文体介绍,内容包括商业信函格式,国际旅游合同与协议格式,旅游行程、报价及最终确认,菜单翻译、公共标识与旅游景点英语书写格式,请柬与回执格式等内容。通过以上内容的介绍,便于读者快速掌握旅行社商函、合同等写作规范和技巧。第三部分为导游文化知识介绍,内容包括中国宗教信仰、中国传统习俗、传统节日、中国餐饮文化、中国医药、中国民间艺术、中国的建筑文化、中国历史发展简介、中国历史名人等知识。通过以上内容的介绍,使读者更深入地了解旅游文化知识,提高旅游文化水平。 该书在编写上采用中英文介绍学习内容,翻译练习配有参考答案,以方便教师备课和读者自学。全书选材精湛,实用性强,着重培养学生在阅读、翻译、写作等方面的实际应用能力。 本书既适用于英语导游人员资格考试的培训教材,也适合旅游院校导游专业外语教学使用,同时也适用于有志从事旅游行业的英语爱好者。
Chapter One Tour Guide Procedures Unit 1 Preparation Work of Local Guide Unit 2 Welcome Service Unit 3 Guide Service Unit 4 Departure Service Unit 5 Service of a National Guide Unit 6 Service of a Outbound Tour Leader Unit 7 Guide Service at Scenic Spots Unit 8 Service for Fully Independent Tour第1章 导游实务 第1单元 地陪接团准备工作 第2单元 迎宾服务 第3单元 导游服务 第4单元 送团服务 第5单元 全陪导游服务 第6单元 领队导游服务 第7单元 景区导游服务 第8单元 散客旅游服务Chapter Two Tourism Business Writing Format Unit 1 Business Letter Format Unit 2 International Travel Contract and A greement Format Unit 3 Itinerary Quotation and Final Confirmation Unit 4 English translation of menu and signs Unit 5 Invitation and Reply Forma第2章 旅游业务文体 第1单元 商业信函格式 第2单元 国际旅游合同与协议格式 第3单元 旅游行程、报价及最终确认 第4单元 菜单及公共标识翻译 第5单元 请柬与回执格式Keys to Translation of Chapter TwoChapter Three The Cultural Knowledge for Tourist Guides Unit 1 Chinese Religious Beliefs Unit 2 Traditional Chinese Customs Unit 3 Traditional Festivals Unit 4 An Introduction to Chinese Food Culture Unit 5 An Introduction to Chinese Medicine Unit 6 An Introduction to Chinese Folk Arts Unit 7 An Introduction to Chinese Architecture Unit 8 Brief Introduction to the Development of Chinese History Unit 9 Historical Personages in China第3章 导游文化知识 第1单元 中国宗教信仰 第2单元 中国传统习俗 第3单元 传统节日 第4单元 中国餐饮文化 第5单元 中国医药 第6单元 中国民间艺术 第7单元 中国的建筑文化 第8单元 中国历史发展简介 第9单元中国历史名人Keys to Translation of Chapter Three参考文献
※Check the luggage.Local guide should tell the tour leader or tourists to get their luggage Iand take to the designated place after checking without damage.After checking and counting the{luggage with tour leader,turn the luggage over to the luggage man from the travel agency and sign jon the luggage delivery record book.If the luggage do not arrive or any damage,local guide shouldassist the tour leader or tourists to register and fill up the form for luggage missing or damage,aswell as the application form for compensation at the airport registration office.The luggagetransported on the train usually should be checked up by the tour leader,luggage man or touristswith the check bill.※Guide the tourist onto the bus.Local guide should guide the tourist onto the bus with their handbags or belongings.Local guide should stand by the door and help the tourist board the bus.※After all the tourists are seated,local guide should politely count the tourists by eyes andthen tell the driver to start.3.Service from the airport to the hotel※Make a welcome speech.When the bus is moving,local guide should make 8 welcome speech to express a warm wetcome to the tourists with a hospitable tone through microphone infront of the tourists.The welcome speech should include the following contents:①warm welcometo the tourists to the city on behalf of the travel service,tour guide himself and bus driver;②self-introduction of the guide and driver with d sincere wish to offer a warm service to the tourists;③wishing the tourists a pleasant and smooth tour.※Adjust the time.If the tourists just arrive through the customs office,local guide should tellthe time difference between the two countries(regions)and ask the tourist to adj ust the time in order to carry out the tour itinerary in unified step.※Guiding on the way to hotel.After the welcome speech,the most important work for thelocal guide is the guide work on the way from the airport to hotel.The guide work on the way is the best chance for a local guide to show his knowledge of tourism culture,guiding skills and the charm of the guide him or herself.The successful and brilliant guide on the way can satisfy the tourists’curiosity and thirst for knowledge,earn the trust and intimacy from the tourists,and give a goodimpression in the mind of the tourists.Guiding along the way in the city.The ways can be various and the contents can be very flexible for different tourists and situations.For Europeans and Americans,we usually introduce Kunming in five aspects:①Kunming is one of the first batch of the national historical and cultural cities announced by the State Council of China.The important point is to introduce the 2000一year-old Dian Culture or the bronze culture of Yunnan.②Kunming,the city of eternal spring in the world,enjoys the pleasant climate of low latitude and high altitude一“the weather is just like March and April and the flowers bloom on the branches like spring all year round”.③Kunming is a tourist city with beautiful natural and cultural sceneries,colourful ethnic cultures and customs,parks and tourist attractions.