
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:华中科技大学出版社  作者:华中科技大学外语学院  页数:142  


影视是文化交流的先锋,也是语言交流和全球国际化的先锋。熟悉和了解影视文化,会让人们有更充足的储备面对全球化浪潮的挑战。国外学中文的外国学生看中文电影,甚至学相声、唱大鼓的不乏其人。国内学英语的中国学生追看英语选秀或者热门美剧更是成为一种势不可挡的潮流。与这种热潮相对应的是,国内高校的英语课程设置中普遍开设了英语影视课。历年记录表明,这门课是大学生选课的经典热门之选,虽然个中原因林林总总,不尽相同,但其热门程度是有目共睹的。遗憾的是,这门课由于其依托大量影视材料的独特属性,加上普遍缺乏规范大纲和教材,在不同的课堂上,教学效果往往良莠不齐,差异巨大。有些学校的英语影视课变成了一哄而上的电影专场,学生在课堂上看得热热闹闹、喜笑颜开,下课之后却什么也不记得,什么也没学会。而有些影视课结束之后,学生普遍感觉对英语的领悟有了质的飞跃,学习的积极主动性也大幅度提高。为什么同样的一门课程,教学效果会差别如此之大呢?要想明白这其中的差别,我们必须先想一想以下两个问题:教师期待通过这门课教给学生什么?学生们又到底期待从中得到些什么呢?单从课程本身来看,英语影视课大致经历了三个阶段。20世纪八十年代的英语影视课主要是作为日常教学任务之余的辅助手段,重点在展示英语背后的不同文化,当时的中国社会与国际接轨尚在起步阶段,学生很少能接触到国外资讯,这个阶段开设英语影视课更类似交代英语世界的人文社会背景,让学生在学语法、背课文之余多少增加些感性认识。这个阶段多选择经典爱情片,如《Waterloo Bridge》、《Casablanca》等,希区柯克的悬念片也是常见的选择。教学材料多半是录像带加油印单页。20世纪九十年代中国和世界一起日新月异,无数新鲜资讯扑面而来。各国风土人情电视、电影都成为中国大学生们随手拈来的谈资。这个阶段的英语影视课开始弱化了文化展示者的身份,更多注重语言点的讲授,让学生在电影中学习新词组和口语用法。这正好弥补了当时英语课本滞后于时代变化的不足。口语化、较易听懂的生活片和轻喜剧成为上好选择,比如《Forrest Gump》、《You’ve Got Mail》等。材料通常使用VCD和录音磁带。九十年代末DVD的出现给英语影视课的开展提供了极大方便,多种字幕的切换使得学生可能实现更大的学习自主权。如果使用DVD光驱在电脑上播放,播放软件还能支持双字幕展示。进入21世纪以来,随着国际交流的日益繁荣,文化交流越来越频繁,文化的交叉成为主流,影视成为文化交流主要的中介之一,成为中国人日常生活的一个部分。




0  Introduction 1  Kramer vs. Kramer 2  Dead Poets Society 3  Scent of a Woman 4  Sleepless in Seattle 5  Forrest Gump 6  You’ve Got Mail 7  I am Sam 8  Shrek Keys Bibliography


插图:In a 1996 edition of the L.A. Times, experts predicted that nearly halfof all marriages would end in divorce. This is a pretty sobering* fact forcouples hoping for true and lasting love. Most of us strive for a relationshipbuilt on a solid foundation, often finding that work, relationships or othervices* take control of our lives. In the wake of①this fact marriages areshattered* and families torn apart. Such is the case in the 1979 dramaKramer vs. Kramer. Winner of five Academy Awards, including BestPicture, Best Actor, and Best Supporting Actress, Kramer vs. Kramer wenton to become a hit at the box office and a critical darling.Kramer vs. Kramer is one of those quiet, real-life dramas which seemto be a rarity* today. It remains as powerfully moving today as relevanttoday as it was when released in 1979, simply because its drama willremain relevant for couples of any generation. The film adapted by directorRobert Benton from the novel by Avery Corman, this is perhaps the finest,most evenly balanced film ever made about the failure of marriage and thetumultuous* shift of parental roles. Kramer vs. Kramer succeeds wheremost familial* dramas of this sort fall short-it plays like an honest,warts-and-all②documentation of a family in tumultuous transition.Most divorce/custody films deal with the mother gaining custody* ofher child after the father's abandonment*. Kramer vs. Kramer asks thequestion: "What if it were the father who had to raise the child?" This maynot be the newest concept, but back in 1979 audiences had never seen afilm dealing with this subject matter (in fact, the subject of divorce wasscarcely present in most movies back then).Director/writer Robert Benton handles everything with a touch ofhumor and realism that makes the story stand out among other "families incrisis" films. Benton seems to understand the characters and lets there be afree flow of dialogue that feels very smooth and natural. Dustin Hoffmanwas in the middle of a divorce during the course of Kramer vs. Kramer,and this in turn brings a bit more feeling to his role.The performances in Kramer vs. Kramer are what drive the story togreat drama. Both Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep won AcademyAwards for their portrayals of the dueling* Kramer's. Hoffman was verydeserving of the Oscar he won for his role as Ted.





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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   书本很快就发货,没有破损,很满意。
  •   影片的拍摄背景介绍很详细,所选的一些片段对白很经典。
  •   书不错,而且比在书店里买要便宜得多!满意!

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