
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:华中科技大学出版社  作者:刘沛  页数:215  


  为了有效提高高等学校专科生、高职高专学生的英语综合应用能力,我们组织一批有丰富教学经验且熟悉学生实际需求的一线骨干教师编写了这部教程。为何称之为一本通呢?主要是基于以下四个原因,也是本教程的四大特色。  1.内容全面。本教程的章节不仅涉及听力短对话、听力对话、听力短文、结构、阅读理解五项、翻译、写作,而且还编人多套模考题和最新真题。  2.讲解清晰、深入,方法实用、高效。本教程的每一章节都包含题型介绍、解题对策、真题实战(强化训练)、答案详解等,力求层层深入,易于学生快速掌握。  3.专项讲解和专项练习相结合。本套教程分章节进行专项讲解,再辅以专项练习,目的是使学生对每个题型能各个击破。  4.模拟考题和真题冲刺。在专项突破的基础上,在考前冲刺阶段,进行模拟考题和真题强化,成功冲刺。  本教程的编写是以《高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲》为依据,涵盖其中的重点语言知识和技能,同时结合了学生的实际水平和需求,既适合教师讲授,又方便学生自主学习。值得一提的是,本教程还可为下一步参加大学英语四级的学生打下良好基础。


  为了有效提高高等学校专科生、高职高专学生的英语综合应用能力,我们组织一批有丰富教学经验且熟悉学生实际需求的一线骨干教师编写了这部教程。为何称之为一本通呢?主要是基于以下四个原因,也是本教程的四大特色。  1.内容全面。本教程的章节不仅涉及听力短对话、听力对话、听力短文、结构、阅读理解五项、翻译、写作,而且还编人多套模考题和最新真题。  2.讲解清晰、深入,方法实用、高效。本教程的每一章节都包含题型介绍、解题对策、真题实战(强化训练)、答案详解等,力求层层深入,易于学生快速掌握。  3.专项讲解和专项练习相结合。本套教程分章节进行专项讲解,再辅以专项练习,目的是使学生对每个题型能各个击破。  4.模拟考题和真题冲刺。在专项突破的基础上,在考前冲刺阶段,进行模拟考题和真题强化,成功冲刺。  本教程的编写是以《高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲》为依据,涵盖其中的重点语言知识和技能,同时结合了学生的实际水平和需求,既适合教师讲授,又方便学生自主学习。值得_提的是,本教程还可为下一步参加大学英语四级的学生打下良好基础。


Chapter 1 Listening Comprehension:Short DialoguesChapter 2 Listening Comprehension:Short ConversationsChapter 3 Listening Comprehension:Short PassagesChapter 4 StructureChapter 5 Reading Comprehension:Task l&Task 2Chapter 6 Reading Comprehension:Task 3Chapter 7 Reading Comprehension:Task 4Chapter 8 Reading Comprehension:Task 5Chapter 9 TranslationChapter 10 WritingChapter 11 Model Tests附录1 大学英语应用能力考试(A级)真题试卷(一)附录2 大学英语应用能力考试(A级)真题试卷(二)


  19. __ still young, Mr. George has had amazing achievement in cosmology.  A. When       B. As    C. Although     D. Since  20. After I  for half an hour, I realized that he was not coming.  A. have waited  B. waited  C. had been waiting  D. was waiting  21. Ive made __ more mistakes than you have.  A. a lot        B. many   C. very     D. a lot of  22.     in his position, I d have left there immediately.  A. Was I       B. I was     C. Were I      D. I were  23. The number of students in this college __ this year.  A. have doubled    B. has doubledC. have been doubled D. has been doubled  24. All the class burst __ laughter when they saw the funny picture.  A. in      B. at    C. on     D. into  25. Tourists often surprised at __ so many flat and good reads in the mountainous regions.  A. there are      B. there beingC. there to be  D. there were  Model Test 5  16. "Will you join me in a walk __ . "  A. glad     B. be glad  C. be glad to  D. glad to  17. That s __ really like.  A. what war is     B. what is warC. which is war D. which war is  18. It is reported that crimes are most likely to happen in cities __ a large percentage of  unemployment.  A. which they have   B. that having   C. that have   D. where have  19. __ his work, he would do it till it was finished.  A. Once Charles would start        B. Once Charles started  C. Since Charles would start        D. Since Charles started  20. It is urgent that a new president for the university.  A. is elected   B. elected  C. will be electedD. be elected  21. He  his homework when his mother came back yesterday evening.  A. was doing   B. is doing    C. did     D. does  22. They all study hard but she studies the hardest  A. all      B. of all     C. in all    D. all in all  23. __ enough time to study, I would have been able to enter university.  A. Have I    B. I have  C. Had I have    D. I had  24. Every knife and fork __ carefully.  A. have cleaned    B. has cleanedC. have been cleaned D. has been cleaned  25. It took me a year to be __ to the college life.  A. adapted       B. adopted  C. received      D. accepted


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