
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:华中科技大学出版社  作者:杨辉 编  页数:157  


《大学英语阅读教程》是以外语教学理论为指导,全面贯彻《大学英语课程教学要求》的精神编写而成的,通过拓展阅读,学生能够提高英语水平、开拓知识视野。本教程是针对大学生的学习特点和英语学习现状而编写的,共四册。    根据新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》,快速阅读的速度应为每分钟100个单词;能掌握国内英文报刊文章的中心意思,理解主要事实和有关细节;能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体材料。为了适应这一要求,在新改革后的大学英语四、六级考试中,快速阅读理解部分的分值比例为10%。本教程以敏锐的眼光捕捉到了这一变化,始终把快速阅读能力的培养放在首位,以阅读技巧、阅读方法为主线,体现“精讲多练”的原则,旨在使学生能按《大学英语课程教学要求》,掌握阅读技巧,高效、快速阅读中等水平的一般性题材的英语文章,能进行一定的分析、推理和判断,以促进应试能力及实际应用能力的提高。    本教程共分四册,第一册围绕“运用语言技能理解文章”这一层面的阅读技能展开训练;第二册重点解析和训练“辨别和理解中心思想和重要细节”这一层面的阅读技能;第三册训练“运用专门的阅读技能(略读、查读)”这一层面的阅读技能;第四册提高难度,把前三册的阅读技能贯穿于其中。每册分为8个单元,各单元由同一题材的2篇文章、生词注释、有关文化背景介绍、练习等组成。为了配合学生参加大学英语四、六级考试,每个单元增加了阅读训练部分,由3篇配有选择练习题的小短文组成;同时在主课文的练习中,增加了汉译英练习。    本套教程的编写体现了如下特点。    (1)本教程由具有丰富的教学经验的大学英语教师分工协作、集体编写而成,具有很强的专业性。      (2)本教程在编写过程中充分吸收我国在外语教学方面长期积累起来的行之有效的经验和方法,取各家之长,兼容并蓄,能适应多种英语教学的要求。    (3)本教程旨在通过教师的“精讲”和学生的“多练”来提高学生学习的主动性、积极性和创造性。    (4)本教程选用当代英语常见语体或文体的典型样本作为素材,内容新颖,搜选范围主要是近五年来英美国家出版的图书、报纸、杂志或最新的网络文章,涵盖教育、科技、政治、经济和文化等各个方面,阅读文章素材具有时代性、可读性、文化教育性和针对性。        (5)本教程练习题型的设计均按照最新的大学英语四、六级考试标准和难度进行。


Unit 1  EducatiOn Part 1  Reading Text Part 2  Reading SkiU Part 3  Reading Practice Part 4  HOme ReadingUnit 2 Vlalues Part 1  Reading Text Part 2  Reading Skill Part 3  Reading Practice Part 4  Home ReadingUnit 3  Generation Gap Part 1  Reading Text Part 2  Reading Skill Part 3  Reading Pmctice Part 4  HOme ReadingUnit 4  The Virtual World Part 1  Readin2 Text Part 2  Reading Skill Part 3  Reading Practice Part 4  Home ReadingUnit 5  overcoming Obstacles Part 1  Reading Text Part 2  Reading Skill Part 3  Reading Practice Part 4  HOme ReadingUnit 6 Women,Half the Skv Part 1  Reading Text Part 2  Reading Skill Part 3  Reading Practice Part 4  Home ReadingUnit 7  Learning about English  Part 1  Reading Text Part 2  Reading Skill Part 3  Reading Practice Part 4  Home ReadingUnit 8 Protecting Our Environment  Part 1  Reading Text Part 2  Reading Skill Part 3  Reading Practice Part 4  Home Reading


  Reading between the lines means drawing understanding about the authors ideas from what is written and from what is not written. Making inferences relies on the context clues, logical thinking, common sense and sometimes our knowledge of the world and on what is written or what is not written. Writers dont always express all their thoughts openly, either as a matter of style, or because they assume we know and share their opinions, or because they arent sure how to express themselves.  Instructions and requests are about more than just grammar. When you make an instruction or a request, you want someone to do something for you. If you get this important social interaction wrong, you might offend your boss, your friends, or your boyfriend/girlfriend. Some requests show that the person you are speaking to can choose to do as you want. Other ways of speaking indicate that if the request is not followed there will be trouble. But unfortunately, you cant decide to be safe and use only very polite requests. This is because English people sometimes use very polite requests as a way of being sarcastic, which is very rude and offensive. So to learn how not to make these mistakes, you will read the text below.



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